In Northwestern Publishing House’s intriguing new “My 180” series, authors are asked to “devote themselves to a full 180 days” of reading, praying, and journaling on a biblical topic and then write a book about it. Stephanie Ihlen’s 180 journey focused on waiting on God. Ihlen fully embraces this topic with journal excerpts, life stories and commentary, targeted Scripture, “Your Turn” sections including discussion or journal prompts, and “Travel Tips” to encourage the reader to consider this challenge for themselves.
Whether you are waiting for a baby, good health, the perfect home, or the answer to a challenge at work or in a relationship, Ihlen’s study is set up as a casual conversation that recounts her discoveries and the peace and joy that come with God’s timing. Chapters include thoughts on relying on God’s control, praying and waiting for answers, and remaining hopeful in situations that may not be resolved on earth.
Ihlen says her book is not written “specifically for people of a certain background or demographic.” Everyone from a lifelong Christian to a person who has never stepped foot in a church is welcome. After all, “the Bible is written for all people of all time, and it is the way God directly talks with you,” Ihlen writes. “The goal of the 180 journey is to see your relationship with Christ deepen or to begin your journey with Jesus if you are new to Christianity.”
Waiting on God More is an excellent resource to assist readers in drawing closer to God and learning to wait on him. “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD” (Psalm 27:14).
A look at books published by Northwestern Publishing House. For more information, visit nph.net or call 800-662-6022.
Author: Ann Ponath
Volume 111, Number 08
Issue: August 2024