This is WELS Amazing Grace, Amarillo, Texas, regularly collects items for local food pantries Pastor Jack Kelly baptizes Ruth Johnson at St. Peter, Saint Peter, Minn. 61st annual national convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society Martin Luther College students helping at the soccer camp held by Grace, Kenai, Alaska Work day at Trinity, Belle Plaine, Minn. New members at Palabra de Vida, Detroit, Mich. (pictured center is Tim Flunker, Hispanic outreach consultant for WELS Missions) Sure Foundation, Brandon, S.D., built a small church for a local parade with a sign on the front of the float that asked, “What is your foundation?” Students from Wisconsin Lutheran High School, Milwaukee, Wis., serving at the vacation Bible school held at CrossLife, Pflugerville, Texas Obituaries A reporting of deaths of called workers as noted in the call report. View obituaries Call Report The call reports detail when pastors, teachers, and staff ministers change positions within WELS. View call reports