Parent conversations: How can parents reinforce the importance of confirmation in their child’s life?

Confirmation is a rite of passage for many confessional Lutheran young people. Yet as important as their confirmation day is, most would agree that it’s the years leading up to…

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Parent conversations: Do we want our children to be leaders or followers?

There is a natural tension between leading and following. Yet I believe the Christian needs to walk the tightrope of both. Figuring out how to translate that for our children…

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Parent conversations: How can we raise a generation that cherishes life?

Many Christians hoped that when Roe v. Wade was overturned, a new page would be turned in the United States’ history of preserving life. We have been disappointed, which is…

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Parent conversations: What Christmas traditions do you cherish in your family?

Family. That’s the common denominator for me. When I’m thinking about Christmas traditions, they all revolve around family. Close family. Extended family. Church family. School family. Work family. Friends and…

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Parent conversations: What are the building blocks of a strong parent/child relationship?

Parenting can feel overwhelming as we navigate through the trenches, and the number of “experts” who volunteer to help us has exploded with the advent of social media and the…

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Parent conversations: How should I handle a disagreement with my child’s teacher?

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that the wisdom shared in “Parent conversations” is rarely exclusive to parents. This month’s column is no exception. It could just as…

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This entry is part 60 of 78 in the series parent conversations