Parent conversations: How can we raise a generation that cherishes life?
Many Christians hoped that when Roe v. Wade was overturned, a new page would be turned in the United States’ history of preserving life. We have been disappoi...
Parent conversations: How does a parent’s role change over time?
No matter what age your children are, your role as a parent has changed over time. The first time we leave them with someone else as newborns can feel monumenta...
Parent conversations: What Bible passages do you turn to most as a parent?
Although it’s not specifically discussing parenthood, Psalm 62 has always been my spiritual lifeline. When I face tough times as a mom, it’s Psalm 62 that c...
Please explain: Where do we get the idea of the Trinity when that word isn’t mentioned in the Bible?
Where do we get the idea of the Trinity when that word isn’t mentioned in the Bible? Have you ever had this conversation at your door? Your visitor asks, “D...
Parent conversations: How do parents not let worry get the best of them?
When I was expecting my first child, I remember someone telling me that having a child means that your heart will forever go walking around outside your body. I...
Parent conversations: What if we can’t follow our Christmas traditions this year?
For better or worse, Christmas is filled with traditions. Some of these traditions help celebrate Jesus’ birth—the Christmas Eve candlelight service or the ...
Parent conversations: Should I give something up for Lent?
Should I or shouldn’t I? It’s a question I ask myself each Lenten season. Should I give something up? I know I don’t need to, but would it help me to focu...
Heart to heart: Parent conversations: How should we handle it when people undermine our parenting decisions?
How should we handle it when people undermine our parenting decisions? I think that parenting is often like an ice cream sundae bar. No two people make exactly ...
Episode 24 – Thoughts from an experienced dad
Join Jim Aderman as he reflects back on the advice he would have given himself when he was a young father—words of wisdom that are relevant for parents of any...
Episode 03 – Little white lies
This parent conversation focuses on the little white lies that children–and their parents–often tell. Heart to heart author Jim Aderman shares insights into...