Parent conversations: What are developmentally appropriate ways of talking to children about sex?
I had almost as much trouble deciding what to write to introduce this topic as actually talking about it with my kids. I guess that’s why I appreciate what th...

Parent conversations: What are the building blocks of a strong parent/child relationship?
Parenting can feel overwhelming as we navigate through the trenches, and the number of “experts” who volunteer to help us has exploded with the advent of so...

Parent conversations: What tactics do you use to encourage children to tackle difficult tasks?
I love that the two authors of our articles this month both referenced science fair projects. Is there any more dreaded parenting task than helping a child navi...

Parent conversations: How do we discuss death with our children?
Contemplating some conversations creates butterflies in my stomach. Talking about death with my children falls into that category. What a comfort these two arti...

Parent conversations: When parenting philosophies differ
Is it just me or does it seem like getting along with everyone has gotten harder over the past couple of years? We’re so divided on so many issues. It’s eas...

Parent conversations: How can I help my child have an optimistic outlook?
I have seen many calls for 2020 to end so that we can start fresh in 2021. Yet let’s be honest. By the time January 1, 2021, ends, we’ll already have messed...

Parent conversations: How can parents reassure children during an uncertain time?
As the editorial staff developed the May issue of Forward in Christ, the mandatory quarantines had just begun. We had no way of predicting what would be taking ...

Parent conversations: How can we help a stressed-out kid?
From day-to-day stressors like homework and whom to sit next to at lunch to larger stressors like changing schools or facing a family medical issue, our childre...

Parent conversations: How can we protect kids without scaring them?
When I was a child, McGruff the crime dog taught us about “stranger danger,” and “Mr. Yuk” stickers alerted us to the phone number for poison control....

Episode 27 – Back to School
Need help transitioning to the new school year? Tune in for Sarah Reik’s kid-tested tips....

Episode 15 – Shaping responsible behavior
Looking for tips on how to shape responsible behavior in your children? Sarah Reik offers her insights as a mom of four and a licensed professional counselor....

Episode 10 – Building a child’s self-worth
How can we help our children build their self-worth on Christ’s love? Sarah Reik, a licensed professional counselor from WLCFS–Christian Family Solutions, s...

Episode 07 – Mosts of motherhood
Sarah Reik shares her view on “The three ‘mosts’ of motherhood” in this special Mother’s Day episode of Heart to heart: Parent conversations....