A father’s example of grace
A clothes pole and a new lawn mower set the scene for a lesson on forgiveness and love. It’s Father’s Day! It’s that time of year where men everywhere get...

Parent conversations: How can we model good listening skills for our kids?
Young people are frequently criticized for spending time on their smartphones even in social situations where they should be interacting with others around them...

Parent conversations: How can we help today’s overwhelmed teens?
Being a teen has always involved struggle and angst. The difference today is that a teen’s struggles can be broadcast immediately to an entire world of virtua...

Parent conversations: Why do siblings fight? How should I react when they are fighting?
My life is so much richer, thanks to my brother and sisters. Each one helped shape me into the person I am today. Part of that shaping involved fighting—a lot...

Parent conversations: How should families prepare to go back to school?
How should families prepare to go back to school? That’s quite a question this year, isn’t it? After all, education is likely to look different depending on...

Parent conversations: How can we help a stressed-out kid?
From day-to-day stressors like homework and whom to sit next to at lunch to larger stressors like changing schools or facing a family medical issue, our childre...

Heart to heart: Parent conversations: What’s the best parenting advice you’ve received or given?
What’s the best parenting advice you’ve received or given? Years before I became a mother, I wrote a news article for Forward in Christ in which I interv...

Parent conversations: How can we prepare children for summer camp?
How can we prepare children for summer camp? When I was going into eighth grade, I went to band camp for a week during the summer. I had a blast, and the experi...

Episode 30 – Protecting kids without scaring them
How do we prepare our children to handle dangerous situations without scaring them? Are we avoiding important conversations? Sarah Reik and Dan Nommensen offer ...

Parent conversations: How can we protect kids without scaring them?
When I was a child, McGruff the crime dog taught us about “stranger danger,” and “Mr. Yuk” stickers alerted us to the phone number for poison control....

Parent conversations: How can we teach gentleness and strength at the same time?
Parenting is a balancing act in so many ways. For example, each day I try to help my kids balance their sleep. If they go to bed too early, they’ll wake up t...

Episode 23 – Finding strength in gentleness
Instilling strength and gentleness in our children requires a careful balancing act. Dan Nommensen shares his tips to help parents along the way....

Parent conversations: What should we do when our children grow silent?
What should we do when our children grow silent? There are days when we all would long for some silence as parents—during those long colicky twilight hours; t...

Episode 18 – Using law and gospel in everyday situations
Do you have trouble letting go of your parenting mistakes? Dan Nommensen shares his perspective on how you can move past your guilt and find the joy in parentin...

Episode 14 – Choice of role models
Are you concerned about who your child is choosing as a role model? Dan Nommensen shares his insights as a Christian counselor and father....

Episode 01 – 364 Days of Thanksgiving
Parent conversations highlights a resource for helping your family become overwhelmingly thankful for its blessings. Heart to heart author Dan Nommensen shar...