Parent conversations

Providing support on your parenting journey

Being a Christian parent is challenging. Although we have a wonderful resource in God's Word, the Bible doesn't always answer our parenting questions with black and white answers--and neither does "Parent conversations." What "Parent conversations" does provide is real-life perspectives from parents who are struggling with the same questions as you. Have a question? Join the conversation! Submit questions or comments through our contact form.

Looking for insight on a particular parenting topic? Search the "Parent conversations" archive. More articles continue to be added, so check back regularly. 


Laurie Gauger-Hested and her family

Parent conversations: Parenting post–high school: What is a parent’s role?

My kids are 15, 10, and 7, so I haven’t quite gotten to this stage...
Woman playing guitar

Parent conversations: How can families use the hymnal in their worship life at home?

True confession: I’m not much of a singer or musician. Yet I enjoy belting out...

Parent conversations: What should Christian parents teach their children about gender?

I believe that Christian parents have a pivotal role to play in a world that...
parent convo sidebar with book Vocation

Parent conversations: What is vocation? How does it apply to parenting?

As a parent, it’s easy to get mired down in the day-to-day routines and the...
Parents conversation side bar about devotional book

Parent conversations: Why do siblings fight? How should I react when they are fighting?

My life is so much richer, thanks to my brother and sisters. Each one helped...
Sidebar for Parent convo april 2021 on skills of resilence

Parent conversations: How do we teach children resilience?

One of the fun parts of managing this column is that I’m never quite sure...




Episode 33 – Teaching kids how money works

How can we help our kids to learn to manage the financial resources that God gives them? Linda Buxa shares her family’s approach—and how you can incorporate it in your family.
Two teens in park

Episode 32 – What’s a parent’s role in dating?

The idea of our children dating can be . . . unsettling. Pastor Donn Dobberstein, father of four children ages 15-22, shares his strategies for how to navigate this season of parenting.

Mom in hospital bed

Episode 31 – Facing a parent’s illness as a family

Mom’s sick. Now what? Hear from Kerry Ognenoff on what her family faced during her recent illness.

Back of child sitting on swing

Episode 30 – Protecting kids without scaring them 

How do we prepare our children to handle dangerous situations without scaring them? Are we avoiding important conversations? Sarah Reik and Dan Nommensen offer practical tips to help.