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WELS podcasts: The Lutheran History Podcast

Podcast: The Lutheran History Podcast

Host: Rev. Benjamin Phelps

Description:The Lutheran History Podcast interviews professional and independent historians on their work, covering over 500 years of Lutheranism. We hear news stories; examine old heroes of faith; and dig into the who, how, what, and why of history making.”

A taste of previous topics: The podcast covers a wide range of Lutheran history topics, including the dissolution of the Synodical Conference, Lutheranism in Australia, choral church music, the split and the nature of the relationship between the Wisconsin and Missouri synods, Lutheran preaching, and much more.

Length: 45 minutes to an hour or more

Some thoughts: Benjamin Phelps, the host of The Lutheran History Podcast, serves as pastor at Grace, Kenai, Alaska. As a descendant of over a dozen Lutheran pastors, Phelps has taken particular interest in 19th-century Lutheranism. Each episode offers a deep historical dive into not only our synod’s roots but also the history of the Lutheran faith. He explains in one of his episodes, “Normally I interview a professional or independent historian . . . [who has] conducted original research on some aspect of Lutheranism and has presented it in some way, usually a book or an article.” For example, one episode features a conversation with a WELS teacher who wrote his master’s thesis on the persecution and experience of German WELS Lutherans during World War I. Another episode includes a conversation with Dr. Mark Braun, author of A Tale of Two Synods. Overall, the longer-than-average episodes are academic in nature and ideal for those looking to take a deeper dive into the history of Lutheran faith. To see our synod’s existence and history through the lens of those who lived a century or more before is powerful and allows for a richer understanding of our Lutheran roots.


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Volume 110, Number 04
Issue: April 2023

This entry is part 2 of 14 in the series WELS podcasts


This entry is part 2 of 14 in the series WELS podcasts