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WELS podcasts: Dust and Breath

Podcast: Dust and Breath

Host: Ethan Cherney

Description: A devotional podcast for Bible people about the people of the Bible.

A taste of previous topics: Job’s wife, Jezreel, Issachar, Caesar Augustus

Length: About 7 minutes on average

Some thoughts: “You and I are dust and breath, loved by God and bought by Jesus. . . . Now go do what God made you to do. Be who God called you to be. Go see what God can do with dust and breath and faith in Jesus his Son.” That’s how Ethan Cherney, pastor at Bethel, Menasha, Wis., ends each of his podcasts, and those thoughts are central to the focus of each podcast. Through this podcast Cherney is creating a dictionary of every biblical character, people who were dust and breath loved by God and bought by Jesus. As of the printing of this issue, Cherney has provided insights into 150 major and minor characters of the Bible, many of whom you have probably never paid any attention, but whom God found worthy of including in his Word. Each podcast focuses on one character, and a full archive of all past episodes is available at the url below. For those who prefer the written word, Cherney includes a transcript of each episode.


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Volume 108, Number 04
Issue: April 2021

This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series WELS podcasts


This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series WELS podcasts