Christian Worship Lectionary March 2023
March 1: Job 33:1-18; John 10:22-42 March 2: Job 33:19-34:9; John 11:1-16 March 3: Job 34:10-33; John 11:17-37 March 4: Job 36:1-21; John 11:38-57 March 5: Job 37:1-24; John 12:1-19…
March 1: Job 33:1-18; John 10:22-42 March 2: Job 33:19-34:9; John 11:1-16 March 3: Job 34:10-33; John 11:17-37 March 4: Job 36:1-21; John 11:38-57 March 5: Job 37:1-24; John 12:1-19…
February 1: Zechariah 11:4-17; 2 Timothy 4:1-18 February 2: Zechariah 12:1–13:9; Titus 1:1–2:6 February 3: Zechariah 14:1-21; Titus 2:7–3:15 February 4: Job 1:1-22; John 1:1-18 February 5: Job 2:1–3:10; John…
January 1: Isaiah 61:1-11; Luke 1:57-80 January 2: Isaiah 62:1-12; Luke 2:1-20 January 3: Isaiah 63:1-14; Luke 2:21-40 January 4: Isaiah 63:15–65:2; Luke 2:41-52 January 5: Isaiah 65:8-25; Luke 3:1-20…
“DANGER! Falling Rocks!” the sign said. We were traveling down a secondary road alongside a steep cliff in the mountains of Colorado. What should we do? Turn the car engine…
As Lutherans we value Scripture, but how much time do we really spend reading it? The phone rang in my office. The voice said, “I’m looking for a Lutheran church.”…
Where do we get the idea of the Trinity when that word isn’t mentioned in the Bible? Have you ever had this conversation at your door? Your visitor asks, “Did…
Christ is coming! That was the Old Testament believers’ great hope. He did come to lowly crib and cross to save the world. Christ is coming! That is the New…
How one woman turned her mission zeal into a lifetime of service "holding up the prophet's hands". For almost 60 years Delores Griepentrog has been writing letters of encouragement and…
The German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote about “cheap grace.” By cheap grace, he meant that too many preach forgiveness without repentance and grace without the cross. In other words, people…