Author: FIC

Rev. Donn Dobberstein presenting to people in pews at the Western Wisconsin District Sunday School Conference

Community news: October 2024

On Aug. 9, Divine Savior Academy–Sienna, Missouri City, Texas, celebrated the grand opening of its new building, which includes 27 new classrooms, a gym, and ...

Diary of a missionary’s wife

Missionary Ronald Baerbock and his wife, Karen, spent more than 17 years serving in various Latin American fields. Karen, who passed away in 2023, recorded mini...
church offering money tithe istock

Free in Christ: Personal offerings

“Honor the LORD with your wealth” (Proverbs 3:9). Read how two Christians requested and received direction on how to plan their offerings. “Emily” asked...
children on backs of teens

Community news: September 2024

On Feb. 4, members of Our Savior, Sun City, Ariz., thanked Fern Junso for 46 years of service as organist. During vacation Bible camp at St. Paul’s, Franklin,...
moms and children on a bus

A shared path to the ministry

WELS members Jenessa Werre and Kaitlin Gilbert have quite a bit in common. They both graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point with an educatio...
woman with two little girls with back to school supplies

WELS news briefs: September 2024

Christian Aid and Relief | WELS Christian Aid and Relief will be distributing almost $500,000 in humanitarian aid grants for Fiscal Year 2024–2...
Installation of Western Wisconsin District officers

District convention news 2024

Each of WELS’ 12 districts met in convention this June, discussing local ministry topics and weighing in on synodical matters as well. “District conventions...
Two women at a conference

A lifetime of service to LWMS

Mary Lou Schmidt and Isola Millett have known each other for almost 60 years. They met in the cry room at St. Matthew’s, Oconomowoc, Wis., in the 1950s and ha...
woman being video recorded Mormon

Showing Mormons that Jesus is enough

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a time of fear, uncertainty, and global shutdowns. But it also opened an unexpected window of opportunity for Truth in Love Min...
woman sitting around table praying

Supporting others with prayer

Throughout the pages of Scripture, God makes clear the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian. Jesus himself prayed regularly. During his travels, Paul...
Light of Life watching ecllipse

Community news: June 2024

On Jan. 7, Trinity, Lake City, Minn., held a special service commemorating the almost 64 years of service by organist June Henn. St. Paul, Tomah, Wis., celebrat...