Author: FIC

Forward in Christ masthead with top 10 images

Forward in Christ top 10 of 2023

Check them out today: Please explain: What does it mean that Jesus’ enemies would become a footstool for his feet? Finding purpose through pain Heaven’s mor...

Back to the basics: Baptism

December 3-9: The institution A very special day Can you remember the day of your baptism? Those who were baptized as infants may remember seeing pictures and h...
food market in Senegal

Mission work approved in Senegal

The Board for World Missions has approved a plan to send two missionaries to Senegal to learn the culture and language in preparation for sharing the gospel and...
Chong Chee Yang taking about Jesus inside to men and women vietnam

Devoted to the work of God

Meet Chong Chee Yang, one of the 55 leaders in the Hmong Fellowship Church in Vietnam who completed WELS’ seminary-level training program this past July. Lear...
Nichole and Martin LaGrow

Q&A with Nichole LaGrow

Since January 2023, Dr. Nichole LaGrow has been putting the pieces into place for a new nontraditional elementary education degree at Martin Luther College (MLC...
church celebrating anniversary

District news: November 2023

ARIZONA-CALIFORNIA St. John, Vacaville, Calif., celebrated its 25th anniversary on Sept. 24. DAKOTA-MONTANA On Sept. 9 and 10, Peace, Milbank, S.D., celebrated ...
pastor in africa

WELS news briefs: October 2023

World missions | Women’s ministry | A new Advent by candlelight program and resources are now available at
many kids sitting on rocks

District news: October 2023

ARIZONA-CALIFORNIA Grace, Glendale, Ariz., celebrated the 40th anniversary in the pastoral ministry of David Clark on Aug. 27. Mount Calvary, Redding Calif., he...
Vietnam pastors

God’s grace in Vietnam

This July, God’s grace could again be seen on WELS’ work in Vietnam with the formal building dedication of the new Theological Education Center in Hanoi and...
wedding table set with dishes and flowers with Jesus's open arms welcoming you to the table

The perfect wedding to come

While the season of singleness on earth can be difficult, the wedding we all can look forward to is the one awaiting us in heaven. I often struggle with my seas...
cross and crown logo and Benjamin Foxen Makisimu Musa, Mary and son Nathanael Evan behind

A true family

At its 67th biennial synod convention, WELS expanded its family of believers by declaring fellowship with Obadiah Lutheran Synod of Uganda. It also affirmed fel...
Two convention delegates visiting with each other at their table at synod convention 2023

Meet a delegate

James Lake Lay delegate James Lake was one of 84 men at this convention who also served as delegates in 2021. Since about 75 percent of delegates (including Lak...
cross and crown logo with delegates at convention in background

2023 synod convention photos

Learn more about WELS’ 67th biennial convention held July 31-Aug. 3 at Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, Mich., under the theme “Embrace the Cros...