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Book nook: When Cancer Comes

In a new series “When Cancer Comes,” James Aderman, David Haag, and Tim Gumm take readers on three remarkable journeys that involve the dreaded word cancer but quickly guide their readers into God’s Word where they prove cancer—and all that comes with it—is no match for the eternal, healing power of Christ.

Readers will find the studies of Jeremiah, Job, and Paul and their reactions to their varied trials to be worthy of reflection—notably, their counterreactions when shown God’s forgiveness, encouragement, hope, and comfort.

Although the series is based on these authors’ personal experiences with a cancer diagnosis (either their own or a loved one) and the journey that followed that diagnosis, one doesn’t need to have a personal experience with cancer to appreciate what the authors offer their readers. Whether complaining about, questioning, or doubting God’s providential decisions in the life of a Christian, all are universal as a reaction to the melee of difficult situations and hardships experienced in life. God, Can I Complain?, God, Why is This Happening?, and God, Where’s My Hope? are must-reads for everyone.

man sitting in chair recieving chemotherapy and having blook pressure takenGod, Can I Complain?

Readers will be led on a journey alongside author James Aderman as he shares the lessons he learned through his personal journey with cancer. (Read a little about Aderman’s journey.) Studying Jeremiah—whom Aderman calls the Bible’s “premier complainer”—will help readers understand why we complain and what to do with our complaints. Aderman helps direct our thoughts and concerns from self-centered complaining into a more godly direction, focusing our attention on Jesus who provides the forgiveness that will be the only antidote to the results of our complaints.

Appreciated will be the prayer Aderman includes after each chapter.

woman having temperature taken wearing a hope braceletGod, Why is This Happening?

This book shares the cancer journey of author Ken Haag’s wife, Lisa. Haag walks the reader through many of the emotional and physical ups and downs of their lives. He does so with an honest and soul-searching style that will be appreciated by those looking to understand cancer’s seeming control over the life of cancer patients and those who love them.

Haag shares how he dealt with questions like “Why me? Why her? Why us? Why?” by taking readers into the book of Job. He does an amazing job of clarifying how God’s love is the only answer we really need to life’s questions. Readers will also find a helpful section where Haag offers examples of ways to comfort those on a cancer journey.

mother hugging daughter who has a head covering on her headGod, Where’s My Hope?

Using Paul as a study of patient endurance and incredible faith and hope in Jesus through challenges encountered throughout his ministry, author Tim Gumm shares the challenges of his wife Linda’s cancer diagnosis and journey. Along the way they were reminded that strength in weakness is only found in Jesus, a truth supported over and over by Paul’s story.

With a gentle but powerful approach, Gumm addresses many inevitable questions readers will identify with as they too struggle with cancer, pain, suffering, and loneliness. He spends much-appreciated time reflecting on the importance of the body of Christ to those suffering from fear and loneliness.

A look at books published by Northwestern Publishing House. For more information, visit or call 800-662-6022.

Author: Susanne Hanson
Volume 112, Number 02
Issue: February 2025
