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WELS podcasts: Life Challenges

Podcast: Life Challenges

Hosts: Pastors Robert Fleishmann and Jeffrey Samelson, volunteer Christa Potratz

Description: “Join Christian Life Resources as we discuss biblical perspectives on modern-day issues.”

A taste of previous topics: Embryo adoption, Christians and activism, Pro-life in Hollywood?

Length: About 30 minutes

Some thoughts: As noted in the introduction to the Life Challenges podcast, “People today face many opportunities and struggles when it comes to issues of life and death, marriage and family, health and science. We’re here to bring a fresh, biblical perspective to these issues and more.” The podcast lives up to its description. There is a nice flow of ideas between the three hosts. Christa Potratz serves as the moderator. She brings a lay perspective and asks the difficult questions, which Pastors Fleischmann and Samelson, who both serve at Christian Life Resources, then answer. I appreciate the fact that no one tries to give “pat” answers to difficult questions. While respecting the authority of God’s Word, they each acknowledge that life is nuanced. Gaining that perspective can help Christians as they apply God’s Word in their own lives and as they interact with those who may not value God’s Word as the ultimate authority.


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Volume 109, Number 03
Issue: March 2022

This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series WELS podcasts


This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series WELS podcasts