pastor baptizing grown man who is holding his child

The Lord calls: Article 1

MCL May 2022 family photo

My Christian life: Turning tragedy into blessing

hand knocking on door with knocker

Do you mind if I come in?

hands in prayer over bible freepik

Pray, Christian, pray


Confessions of faith: Jack Cotter

School bullies. A horrific earthquake. A Mormon community. An American barista-in-training. Shifts along the seemingly unrelated fault…

The Lord calls: Article 1

The Lord uses his church to place public ministers of the gospel where he wants them to…

Ascension paradoxes

The ascension of Jesus concluded his earthly life among us but also created a beginning for us….

A unique system of schools

WELS enjoys a blessing that no other Lutheran church body enjoys: our ministerial education training system, which…

Bible study: Jesus is everyone’s Savior

Justification is the doctrine by which the church stands or falls because the Christian faith is lost…

My Christian life: Turning tragedy into blessing

A mother demonstrates the hope she has through her Savior following her son’s devastating accident. “ ‘For…

Do you mind if I come in?

“While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace…

Q&A: If people go to hell, isn’t it their fault because God gave them free will and they rejected him? 

If people go to hell, isn’t it their fault because God gave them free will and they…

Parent conversations: How can we help young adults stay engaged in the church?

The statistics on church membership for young adults are depressing. Is there anything we can do to…

Please explain: If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, how can he also be the Lamb of God?

A shepherd with a flock of sheep is a familiar and friendly scene. Jesus himself uses words…

Mother’s Day

May. Mom. Mother’s Day. Who would argue that mothers are part of every culture, language, and place…

Pray, Christian, pray

I saw it in fine print as I was looking ahead in my planner. Then I flipped…

King David and our future King: Article 5

We can face any challenge with confidence and courage in Christ, knowing that the kingdom is his—and…

The communion of saints

Faith in Jesus as our Savior links us together in a group known as the communion of…

You’ve got a friend

Our friend Jesus will always answer when we call. This month, young people across the nation will…

Table of contents for previous issues

2022: AprilMarch | February | January | 2021: December | November | October
