CONTENTS Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Woman, here is your son. My Christian life: Pen pal shares faith with prisoners Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. MARCH ISSUE Confessions of faith: Caroline and Lawrence McCatty A couple’s prayers are answered as they discover the truth of God’s Word as well as new opportunities… Cassandra Greenwald Parent conversations: How do parents not let worry get the best of them? When I was expecting my first child, I remember someone telling me that having a child means… Nicole Balza King David and our future King: Article 3 For David, for Jesus, and for us, the cross comes before the crown. It was a meteoric… FIC Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. You can learn volumes about a man by watching him die. Time is more precious than ever…. FIC Today you will be with me in paradise. The condemned criminal hanging on a cross outside the walls of Jerusalem knew that he was guilty…. FIC Woman, here is your son. If one were to ask, “What did Jesus do to save us?” most Christians would answer, “He… FIC My Christian life: Pen pal shares faith with prisoners God’s grace brings forgiveness, hope, and love across prison walls. “Remember those in prison as if you… FIC The Seven Words Their nails were freshly driven, their hatred clearly shown, when, “Let them be forgiven,” was heard at… FIC My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? The trial had finally ended. As I prepared to leave the parking garage after the sentencing, one… FIC Q&A: Can you explain Jesus’ words to the wailing women he met on his way to be crucified? Jesus had just handed the crossbeam to Simon of Cyrene who would carry it the rest of… FIC Lenten repentance, Lenten appreciation Taking things for granted happens all too easily. The worst part about taking things for granted is… FIC I am thirsty. “Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said,… FIC It is finished. One sentence can permanently change your life. “Your mother and I are getting a divorce.” “I’m pregnant.”… FIC The Judas priority It was just 30 pieces of silver. But that was enough. He betrayed Jesus, a friend who… FIC Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. Trust might be one of the more serious casualties of the pandemic. The unreliability of humans Faith… FIC