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Jesus lights the way

Jesus is the light that combats the darkness in this world, a light we can reflect in our daily lives.

When I was a child, our basement had a section that I rarely entered. I don’t think it had a light. If it did, I’m certain I would have turned it on. The only reason to go down there was because that was where the potatoes were stored.

Since it was dark and damp, the potatoes had every opportunity to start growing sprouts. And I had to stick my hand into that basket with creepy tentacles growing from the potatoes. I really dreaded that room. I couldn’t wait to get what I needed and scamper up the steps (likely panting a bit). The light at the top of the stairs was a welcome sight!

The darkness in this world

This side of heaven, life can be like that corner of our basement. It can feel like the darkness is all around. I think of so many people who are without the comfort and peace that comes from knowing about Jesus, their Savior. As they struggle with life, they need God’s grace and may not know it. They work to find peace and happiness on their own only to come up short time after time. Or they think that life can’t get any better than its current allotment of joys and sorrows.

Others hear the message of God’s grace, and it’s as if a light comes on. They have a totally new perspective on life, knowing how they are loved by Jesus, their Savior. But believers—those who have been brought out of the darkness into light—can still struggle in life. Our darkness may be found in problems with our relationships, professions, and health. We also daily feel the impact of Satan’s cunnings. The sin and the guilt that we carry can be overwhelming. The world can feel like someone shut off the lights and we’re stuck in the basement.

Jesus’ light

But wait. There’s Jesus. There he is. He’s our light . . . a light so much better than the one at the top of my childhood stairs. He’s the light that is never turned off. He’s the light that brings us, through faith, out of the darkness of sin. As that light, he shows us the grace of God. We have that light. “You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8).

We are lights to others since Jesus’ light shines through us.

Notice what the passage says: “Now you are light in the Lord.” Because of all that God has done for us, we reflect his light, his grace, his love for others. God does not say, “Now, try hard to be the light.” He says, “You are light.” As God’s dearly loved children, we are lights to others since Jesus’ light shines through us.

Jesus is your light. He has done everything needed to remove your sin and to be the light to show you the way to heaven. Today, as you go about your daily tasks, you can reflect that light out of gratitude for all that Jesus has done. Your joy, your loving care for others, your forgiving heart—all reflect Jesus, the Light of the world, to those around you. “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.”

Author: Cindi Holman
Volume 111, Number 04
Issue: April 2024
