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Getting to know the new district presidents

During this summer’s district conventions, two districts elected new presidents. In the Pacific Northwest District, President John Steinbrenner had accepted a call to serve as pastor at Martin Luther, Oshkosh, Wis. Jon Buchholz, president of the Arizona-California District, chose not to stand for reelection. Keep reading to learn more about the two men elected to serve in these districts.

Daniel Lange, Pacific Northwest District president

What was your upbringing like? I was born in Arkansas. My father, Rev. Douglas Lange, and my mother, Deanne, moved to Russellville after graduation day at the seminary. My dad was assigned to begin exploratory mission work and plant a church. I am blessed to be one of four children.

When did you know you wanted to be a pastor? Every summer, we had the opportunity to live at our family resort near Eagle River, Wis. It was here that I received most of my ministry encouragement from my grandfather, Robert Otterstatter. It was at his side, fixing a broken pipe or shingling a cabin roof, where he spent hours talking to me about “the good Lord.”

What is your family like today? I met my wife, Sara, at Martin Luther College. I didn’t know at the time how tremendously the Lord would bless me through Sara. Jesus has blessed us with three beautiful, creative, and growing children: Madelyn (14), Olivia (12), and Zachary (9).

What is your prayer for the Pacific Northwest District? One lesson I’ve learned and relearned many times is: The Lord provides! He continues to accomplish his work despite us. Now, as I take on the task of district president, I’m clinging to this promise and making it my daily prayer: Lord, provide! Provide for my family, my church, my district, and my synod. Use me wherever you see fit.

Joel Heckendorf, Arizona-California District president

What was your upbringing like? I grew up on a dairy farm in Jackson, Wis. My parents were both very involved in our congregation, and their love and support for ministry was something that left quite an impression on me.

When did you know you wanted to be a pastor? I didn’t seriously consider being a pastor until my senior year of high school. The summer before my senior year, I’d spent some time lifting weights and playing basketball with a seminarian from my congregation. As he let 17-year-old me hang around his buddies on the basketball court or the softball field, I started to consider pastoral ministry because of their peer influence.

What is your family like today? I am blessed to be married to Mary (née Koelpin) for 25 years. She is a Martin Luther College (MLC) grad and served in our schools at my first two congregations. She now serves in the public school system in Reno, and I admire her abilities and heart. We are blessed with three children. Come August, Alyssa will be a second grade teacher at Eastside Lutheran in Madison, Wis., and her husband, Justin, will be a vicar in Mt. Horeb, Wis. Our son Caleb will begin his first year at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in fall, and Connor will be a junior in the pastor track at MLC.

What are you most looking forward to as district president? Near the top of the list is being involved in the assignments of candidates. What a privilege to be God’s instrument in assigning people to their flocks! Very similarly, I look forward to analyzing the needs and opportunities of congregations and trying to match them with workers through the call system.

Read more about the 2024 district conventions.

Author: FIC
Volume 111, Number 08
Issue: August 2024
