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Devoted to the work of God

Meet Chong Chee Yang, one of the 55 leaders in the Hmong Fellowship Church in Vietnam who completed WELS’ seminary-level training program this past July. Learn more about his background and his work in the rural training program:

I am Rev. Chong Chee Yang, a pastor in the Hmong Fellowship Church (HFC).

I am glad to write this letter to witness my training as one of the pastor of pastors in training the people in Vietnam.

Chong Chee Yang taking about Jesus inside to men and women vietnam
Chong Chee Yang spreading the gospel message in rural Vietnam

I thank God for his love. God has called me to believe Jesus. I was born in a Christian family and knew Christ when I was young. I thank God for my wife and two children.

God called me to serve my congregation in 2010. I entered WELS training in 2013. I have been trained by WELS for 10 years.

Chong Chee Yang and his wife and children
Chong Chee Yang and his family.

I have taught the Word of God to the elders and the leaders of the congregations I oversee. The students were very happy to hear and know the truth. Some of the members and leaders broke into tears when they heard the Word of God because they first heard about the love of God.

In the past [before WELS], I have been to many trainings, both in northern and southern Vietnam. I only heard the law, the oppression of the laws, that we are only saved by doing good works. In the last 10 years, I have been receiving training from WELS. WELS teachings have brought me peace and happiness in the Word of God. Now, I am confident in my salvation that comes through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are only righteous in God through Christ.

The pastors of the Hmong Fellowship Church appointed me to be the trainer pastor in the Word of God to the rural areas. Besides rural training, I also serve as the chairman for the 10 assistant teachers, who assist all training in the HFC—to the leaders of the congregations and rural [areas].

Many times, it is hard for me to travel from one village to another because I don’t have a motorcycle. Even so, I trust the Lord. He will provide what is necessary for my travel from village to village.

Very often I must leave my family to train members and leaders in rural areas. Most of the time, I do not have much time with my family, but my wife is very supportive of my work and prays for me. She is willing to work hard to bring food to the family without any complaints so that I may devote myself more to the work of God.

Psalm 37:25 gives me strength and comfort: “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.”

Through the love of God, I am willing to go and share the Word to others who need the Word of God. Even if I don’t receive an income for this ministry, one day, God will repay all my work in heaven.

I want to thank God and Rev. Bounkeo Lor for coming to teach the Word of God to the HFC in Vietnam. Thank you to all of you who are also partaking in the training of the people in Vietnam.

May our God bless you and love you, and may the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Special thanks to Bounkeo Lor and Joel Nitz for coordinating and translating this letter.

Learn more in the December 2023 WELS Connection or at

Author: FIC
Volume: 110, Number 12
Issue: December 2023

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