Book nook: Christian Service Members’ Handbook

Another tool in your tool kit

The Christian Service Members’ Handbook is excellent for any Christian as a daily companion. However, the book is explicitly organized for military service members fulfilling their vocation to the nation and their Savior. It is small enough to fit in a uniform cargo pocket but large enough in content to accompany a service member through unique daily challenges.

The book is nicely divided into five sections: prayer, meditations and devotions, Scriptures, hymns, and the Small Catechism. The prayers and devotions are written with service members and some of the challenges they face in mind, yet they do an exellent job of focusing on the Christian and not elevating service members as more than any other Christian who struggles as a daily saint and sinner.

The Scripture, hymns, and Small Catechism inside the Christian Service Members’ Handbook are practical for using during mealtime with the family as well as bedtime with the children. For deployed service members, it is an excellent resource for pulling out some words of comfort when a fellow service member is hurting, providing an opportunity to share the Word with others.

Although I would never leave my pocket-size Bible behind, the Christian Service Members’ Handbook is a small enough book to keep on me at all times and pull out while “hurrying up and waiting.” Besides providing me nourishment, it allows me to share God’s grace when people ask what I am reading.

If I’m being shot at, I want someone to tell me where the enemy is and where friendly forces are. This book is another tool in the kit bag to communicate where the eternal friendly force is and how he already saved us from the war zone.

The Christian Service Members’ Handbook was developed by WELS Special Ministries, the Lutheran Military Support Group, and Northwestern Publishing House to help believers in the military stay strong in their faith in places where a pastor or fellow believer might not be available. Military members can receive this book for free by filling out a referral form at

For more information, visit or call 800-662-6022.

Author: Michael Hefti
Volume 107, Number 11
Issue: November 2020
