From Colombia to London
“I was in awe the first time I walked into St. George Lutheran Church,” says Dora Correa Zapata, a member originally from Medellín, Colombia, who lives in ...

Making Christ known in Latin America
A look back at God’s grace on more than 60 years of WELS mission work in Latin America. As a church body, WELS has been carrying out mission efforts in La...

Confessions of faith: Dan Horner
After falling away from attending church, a member comes back—and invites others to join him. When Dan Horner stepped inside of St. John’s, New Ulm, Minn., ...

Confessions of faith: Matt and Danielle Cosgrave
After becoming members of a church, a couple finds renewed joy in the opportunity to support a mission. At the beginning of their relationship, Matt and Daniell...

Confessions of faith: Salvador Contreras
A truth seeker finds solace and hope in the Word of God preached online and then walks into a church with the same beliefs. As a child, Salvador Contreras sat a...

Confessions of faith: Jack and Cathie Dearing
After retiring, a couple discovers a church where Martin Luther’s reformed teachings preside and Jesus’ free and all-encompassing grace is preached. During ...

Confessions of faith: Jonathan and Devon Hightower
After church shopping, a family finds a place that feels like home, a place where the gospel is preached without any strings attached. When Jonathan and Devon ...

Confessions of faith: Brad Harris
While weighing the responsibilities that children bring, a father looks to the church for direction. During his growing years, Brad Harris had some ties to diff...

Confessions of faith: Anthony and Alex Lleonart
After attending a Lutheran school and getting a chance to study God’s Word in depth, two brothers become members to prepare for adulthood. “At the time, I d...

Confessions of faith: Holly Vaden and the Thorsons
The Holy Spirit used individuals, life circumstances, and a yearning for clarity to draw three friends around God’s Word. More than 20 years ago, Holly Vaden ...

Recovered in Christ
A former addict finds peace and healing in the promises of God’s Word. Rachel M. Hartman After drinking with friends on the weekends in high school, Mark Kell...

Academia Cristo brings new opportunities to share the gospel
Academia Cristo began in 2015 with a primary goal to help people start churches in Latin America that faithfully preach and teach God’s Word. “We provi...

Returning by the power of God
A native Paraguayan finds motivation from the gospel to revisit her country and share the message of Christ with residents there. Rachel Hartman Earlier on in ...

Welcome Home: Part 3
An elder appreciates the opportunity to encourage other members to stay close to Christ. Rachel Hartman After first hearing of Jesus as a child, Jim Plumlee ...

Welcome Home: Part 2
A WELS member loves listening to the gospel regularly after coming back to church. Rachel Hartman Kristin Young grew up in Wisconsin and learned about Jesus at ...

Welcome Home: Part 1
A man finds a sense of belonging after returning to a WELS church. Rachel Hartman After growing up in a WELS congregation in Wisconsin, Kyle Oppermann left ...

Confessions of faith: Ramirez
An immigrant discovers a church where he feels at home. Rachel Hartman In April 2008, Walter Ramirez stepped foot onto U.S. soil. Originally from El Salvador, ...