How to be a real man

How to be a real man

More than conquerors

More than conquerors

Now is still the time

Now is still the time

Freely forgiven

Freely forgiven

Confessions of faith: The Bunco girls

What's inside

Now is the time. That’s the phrase WELS World Missions used more than 20 years ago as it began exploring the idea of opening a regional seminary in Hong Kong. Twenty years after Asia Lutheran Seminary opened, its current president Jonathan Bare reminds us that now is still the time to train workers throughout Asia—people like Marzan Venus, featured on the cover—to share God’s message of grace.

Now is the time. In 1964, a group of Lutheran women dedicated themselves to serving Jesus by supporting WELS missionaries and missions around the world. Now is still the time as 60 years later the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society continues to learn about, pray for, and support gospel outreach ministry at home and abroad. Read about the group’s beginning as told through the eyes of one of its first officers.

Now is the time. We all are Christ’s witnesses, whether it is inviting people from the neighborhood bunco game to church, confronting our neighbor and his sin using God’s Word, growing in faith as a family, or performing acts of kindness in the local community (p. 26).

Don’t let the opportunities pass you by.

- Julie Wietzke, managing editor

This is WELS
Virtual Bible study

woman being video recorded Mormon

Showing Mormons that Jesus is enough

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a time of fear, uncertainty, and global shutdowns. But it also opened an unexpected window of opportunity for Truth in Love Ministry, a WELS-affiliated organization that proclaims Christ to Mormons and also empowers Christians to witness. “Mormon culture started to shift because their congregations had been shut down for nearly 18 months. People started looking for something else...
woman sitting around table praying

Supporting others with prayer

quarters for parking random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness spark connections

people taking a selfie home missions

WELS Home Missions approves new missions

Light of Life watching ecllipse

Community news: June 2024


My Christian life: God reunites a mother and her daughter

Free in Christ: Youth confirmation practices

Q&A: Why are the 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and his ascension important for the disciples and for us?

Bible study: Different types of sin