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More than 2,200 teens and youth leaders traveled to Knoxville for the 2022 WELS International Youth Rally June 28–July 1 at the University of Tennessee.

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Man playing the drums
Viking Steel, a steel pan group from Wisconsin Lutheran High School, Milwaukee, Wis., helped lead worship as well as participated in other music activities at the rally.
Here & Now photo 2 mom and daughter
Anna Gilgenbach served as a rally youth leader for the teens at St. Peter, Fond du Lac, Wis., a group which included her daughter Natalie. “I attended the WELS International Youth Rally when I was younger, and I wanted Natalie to experience this as well,” she says. “There are no words to describe the feeling you get listening to over two thousand teens sing their praises to Jesus.”



Aaron Robinson
Aaron Robinson, a professor at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn., served as one of two keynote speakers. His address highlighted the theme “Why not Us? Royal People.” Teens also had a choice of 15 different workshops to attend throughout the rally.































See more photos:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Volume 109, Number 08
Issue: August 2022
