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WELS news briefs: October 2023

World missions |

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, pastors and members of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church continue to reach out to their communities. Resurrection Lutheran Church in Kyiv, Ukraine, welcomed more than 60 people into the family of believers in June, three through Baptism and 57 through confirmation. Bishop V’yacheslav Horpynchuk (pictured) has been guiding more than 70 refugees and visitors in the study of God’s Word using the catechism.
pastor in africa with many people
In August, members of the One Africa Team visited congregations in Tanzania that are part of the Africa Mission Evangelism Church (AMEC), a Lutheran church body of almost one hundred congregations. WELS first visited in 2021 to start discussions to see if WELS and the AMEC share the same scriptural beliefs and practices and could one day be in fellowship. Pictured are WELS missionary Benjamin Foxen and the members of Kyakojogoma church in northwest Tanzania outside the temporary structure they built for worship.
selfie at dinner table
Over three years ago, a few members from South Asian Lutheran Evangelical Mission (SALEM), WELS’ sister church in Hong Kong, who immigrated to New Zealand began meeting online with SALEM leadership for Bible study and fellowship. This group, located in Auckland, has grown to over 20 members. In January 2023, they began a monthly worship gathering facilitated by local leaders; they continue to meet every week online and in person. Thirteen members of their group are currently enrolled in a foundational course at Asia Lutheran Seminary. Chinese people make up five percent of the population of New Zealand, and experts predict that this number will grow to ten percent in the next 20 to 30 years. WELS is assisting SALEM as it fosters this new mission in New Zealand.

Women’s ministry |

logo the kind shall come

A new Advent by candlelight program and resources are now available at Following the theme “The King Shall Come,” the materials include a leader’s guide, service folder, PowerPoint slides, and everything a congregation needs to promote the event in its church and community. Congregational leaders interested in knowing more about holding this event to help women focus on Christ during the busy holiday season can also access a planner’s guide and forum for advice and tips.

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Author: FIC
Volume: 110, Number 10
Issue: October 2023
