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WELS news briefs: June 2021

WELS Evangelism

The Commission on Evangelism has released two new resources recently that work together to help WELS members be more active and prepared to be personal witnesses of Jesus Christ.

  • Everyone Outreach helps congregations build a culture of outreach so that every ministry and every member is thinking about and participating in outreach. It consists of an interactive, two-day workshop and follow-up resources to helps members create new thought habits that result in more outreach efforts. Several congregations have already participated in the pilot program. Workshops are slated to start this fall. Learn more at
  • Let's Go LogoLet’s Go uses videos to teach Christians a simple, three-part process for sharing their faith—Love the unchurched people God has brought into their lives; Listen carefully to their cares, concerns, and questions; and Lead them to the gospel. This personal witness training can be used in a large- or small-group Bible study setting or by an individual Christian. Learn more at

WELS Missions

boy holding a picture of a churchAs part of its upcoming virtual event from July 11-17, WELS Missions produced a Taste of Missions school challenge in which students at WELS schools were asked to complete activities to learn more about WELS mission work around the world. Forty-eight Lutheran elementary schools participated in the activities, which included crossword puzzles, word search games, geography challenges, coloring pages, and trivia. Students also could watch “Moments with Missionaries” videos. The second to fourth grade classroom at Zion, Chesaning, Mich., and the fifth to eighth grade classroom at St. Paul, Arlington, Minn., won a Taste of Missions party. Pictured (left) is a student from St. Philip, Milwaukee, Wis., who participated in the challenge. (Featured image above shows a class from Bethel, Sioux Falls, S.D.) Materials will continue to be available at Learn more and register for Taste of Missions at

WELS Discipleship

WELS Women’s Ministry is releasing a three-month series of devotions starting in June called Reflections on Our Unique Callings: Men, Women, and the Body of Christ. The devotions explore biblical principles and applications on our unique callings as men and women, pose thoughts and questions for further reflection, and encourage conversations on how these unique callings find their fulfillment in the home, the church, and the world. You can sign up to have these twice-weekly devotions delivered to your e-mail at

Volume 108, Number 6
Issue: June 2021
