Three men standing in church. Confessions of Faith Feb 2024

Confessions of faith: Quinton Jones

close up driving, steering wheel and gps showing where to go.

Dave in a silver sedan

parents children reading couch devotion

Parent conversations: What are the best Bible story books for family devotions?

choir in church with pastors

My Christian life: An unexpected call to ministry later in life


Confusion or comfort?

There are few doctrines in the Bible that are as ...
Mark Schroeder

Confessions of faith: Quinton Jones

A Mormon’s faith journey leads him to South America and ...
James F. Pope

Dave in a silver sedan

You never know when God will provide an opportunity to ...
Matthew Vogt

Parent conversations: What are the best Bible story books for family devotions?

Forward in Christ is featuring the stories of two adults ...
Anna Geiger

Q&A: What advice does the Bible have for single people?

All my friends are getting married, and I’m tempted to ...
David Scharf

Free in Christ: Personal Bible study

“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and ...
Jane Schlenvogt-Dew, Robert Martens

My Christian life: An unexpected call to ministry later in life

A man discovers an opportunity later in life to serve ...
Alicia A. Neumann

He loves me, he loves me not

Was I imagining things, or did I read the message ...
James F. Pope

Please explain: Why does the Bible call Satan “the god of this age”?

Why does the Bible call Satan "the god of this ...
Paul Wendland

Step in the gap

It is an act of love when adults serve as ...
Snowden Gene Sims

World news and commentary: February 2024

Another victim in war: Christmas Christians in war-torn areas of ...
Benjamin Schaefer

The death of death

“On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds ...
Jeremiah J. Gumm

What if it’s true . . . that you are a sinner

I’ve always heard people say, “All sin is the same.” ...
Greg Lyon

Table of contents for previous issues

2023: August | July | June | May | AprilMarch | February | January

2022: December | November | October | September | August | July | June | MayAprilMarch | February | January |

2021: December | November | October
