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Supporting future called workers

Atlanta-area Martin Luther College (MLC) students received some extra support this summer, thanks to a circuit-wide charity golf outing planned by Messiah, Johns Creek, Ga.

What started out as a ministry training event for MLC interns at Messiah during the summer of 2020 turned into outings that raised almost $30,000 in financial support over the last two years for future called workers from that area.

In a letter that accompanied a check sent to each of the 10 students from the area, Harmon Lewis, pastor at Messiah, shared the ultimate goals of the Messiah Classic Charity Golf Tournament: “It is our hope that this money helps you pay for the costs associated with your education at MLC,” he wrote. “Further, it is our prayer that this money demonstrates to you that God’s people care about you and the work you are preparing to do on our behalf.”

Eighty golfers from seven area congregations (as well as other friends and supporters) participated this year. Most of the area MLC students worked at the tournament.

Both Megan and Daniel Buth, siblings who are members at Faith, Sharpsburg, Ga., were invigorated by the event—and not only because of the financial help. “It was so inspiring and encouraging to be at the tournament and surrounded by people who were so passionate about supporting those of us who are studying for the ministry,” says Megan, an MLC senior. “It provides me with so much encouragement in the moments when college gets so hard because I know so many people are behind us and are praying for us and the work that we are studying to do!”

Lewis says the golf tournament is just one of the things Messiah does to keep future called workers in peoples’ minds. Each year synodical school students come to Georgia to help Messiah run a science camp. Messiah also sponsors two summer interns from MLC. Finally, area churches work together to coordinate trips to Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, Mich., and Luther Preparatory School, Watertown, Wis., for confirmation-age children. “It definitely is helping create an awareness,” he says. “[My members] fall in love with the students.”

SIDEBARSeveral area congregations, including Messiah and Faith, also participate in the Congregational Partner Grant Program, a program in which MLC matches dollar for dollar—up to $1,000—the gifts congregations gather to apply to the tuition of their students at MLC.

“It’s comforting knowing that there are people who have your back and are supporting you through your years at MLC,” says Jacob Lewis, a senior preseminary student and member at Messiah.

That support means everything to these students, who are preparing to take God’s Word to the world. Says Megan, “There’s nothing better than being able to share the life-changing gospel with children. I’m so excited to get out into the world and start doing just that!”

Learn more about how you can support MLC students in this month’s edition of WELS Connection, which talks more about the “Equipping Christian Witnesses” campaign.

Pictured above are MLC students (and MLC Professor Keith Wessel) who participated in the Messiah Classic Charity Golf Tournament this past summer. The next tournament will be held July 21, 2022.

Volume 108, Number 10
Issue: October 2021
