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WELS podcasts: Christ for Disciplers

Podcast: Christ for Disciplers

Hosts: Hosted by the chaplains and leadership team of A City for God. Episode hosts include Pastor Paul Steinberg, Chaplain Mike Tracy, Chaplain Rob Collier, Coach Lance Meyer, and others.

Description: “A weekday message for educators and parents of young disciples. A ‘Discipler’ is a parent, teacher, coach, grandparent, minister, or guardian who is discipling the children by training them up in the way of the Lord. Our staff provides podcasts each weekday to train disciplers in their important role of raising the next generation to know and love the Lord. Each podcast applies a portion of a weekly Bible story to raising the next generation in the Lord.”

A taste of previous topics: Discipling your children to love those in need, share with others, deal with the divisive, be devoted to the church, persevere in persecution, and more.

Length: About 10 minutes

Some thoughts: For parents, teachers, and other caregivers of children, this podcast packs a punch. As a mom with three young children, I appreciate that the quick, ten-minute episodes are released daily. They provide an excellent opportunity to start each day with tactical, practical strategies for discipling children in the Lord. Every week, the episodes focus on applying lessons learned from a specific Bible story. Listeners walk away with a deeper understanding of Scripture and how that Scripture applies to the very real challenges that children and families face today. As Pastor Steinberg says, this podcast gives us “extra Christ in our lives, so we can give extra Christ to our kids.”


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Volume 109, Number 09
Issue: September 2022

This entry is part 4 of 12 in the series WELS podcasts


This entry is part 4 of 12 in the series WELS podcasts