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God’s gift to the world

We can have peace in our hearts as we view Jesus through eyes of faith.

If you have been promised a gift, you can’t wait to get it. You check the mail each day, even twice a day, to be sure that you didn’t miss it.

The Lord promised a gift to save the world from sin. Simeon and many others waited anxiously for God’s present in the flesh: Jesus, born of the virgin Mary.

“You may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel” (Luke 2:29-32).

Forty days after Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph carried baby Jesus to the temple. This visit was more than obligatory. According to the law of the Lord, Mary was unclean for 40 days after the birth of a son and needed to be purified. Also, every firstborn son was to be redeemed by a sacrifice as a memorial of the firstborn being spared in Egypt prior to the exodus.

The Holy Spirit led Simeon to the temple at the right time to see God’s gift of salvation for him and for all people. A widow, Anna, was serving in the temple. She too was able to see Jesus. They both had peace in their hearts as they viewed God’s gift to the world. “You may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation,” Simeon said.

Why the presentation at the temple? For Mary and Joseph to fulfill the law of the Lord. For the Holy Spirit to fulfill a promise to Simeon. For Anna to see the truth of God in the flesh so that she could proclaim redemption through Jesus.

We, as believers, have peace through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is presented to us through the gospel. We see Jesus through the eyes of faith and believe he is God’s present for our salvation. We receive the gift of eternal life he has brought to all who believe in him, and we look forward to eternal life with him.

Present this peace that fills our hearts to others.

Author: Snowden Sims
Volume 112, Number 02
Issue: February 2025

  • photo of Snowden Sims

    Pastor Sims is a 1980 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran High School, a 1985 graduate of Northwestern College, and a 1989 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. He presently serves as an associate pastor at St. Paul's, Columbus, Ohio. He also serves as the Michigan District President. He is married to Melinda who is an instructor at The Ohio State University. They have a daughter, Erika, who resides in West Allis, Wisconsin. In his spare time Pastor Sims enjoys fishing, hunting, working out, gardening, playing guitar, and listening to jazz.

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  • photo of Snowden Sims

    Pastor Sims is a 1980 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran High School, a 1985 graduate of Northwestern College, and a 1989 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. He presently serves as an associate pastor at St. Paul's, Columbus, Ohio. He also serves as the Michigan District President. He is married to Melinda who is an instructor at The Ohio State University. They have a daughter, Erika, who resides in West Allis, Wisconsin. In his spare time Pastor Sims enjoys fishing, hunting, working out, gardening, playing guitar, and listening to jazz.

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