Book nook: Full Accessories of God

Full Accessories of God: The Spirit’s Makeover for Women by DeLyn Wagenknecht is a concise Bible study that takes a fresh, contemporary look at the full armor of God found in Ephesians 6:14-17. Piece by piece, battle gear is compared to its current wardrobe equivalent. Drawn from her own experience, the author’s real-life examples are easily relatable. Everyday problems, circumstances, and emotional challenges to our Christian faith are countered with positive scriptural truths that highlight God’s grace.

The book is laid out simply and succinctly to fit any schedule. Each of the six chapters offers five daily, easy-to-complete segments that include a short reading, personal meditation, and prayer. The end-of-chapter “Day Six” weekly reflection provides summary questions to foster group discussion, fitting for a traditional in-person gathering or a virtual platform. Participants will need a Bible for reference. Passages quoted within the study book originate from the 2017 English Heritage Version (EHV) or the 1984 New International Version (NIV).

Please note that many questions throughout the study are deeply introspective, making an end-of-book answer guide for leaders difficult to compile and therefore one is not included.

Women of all age groups will find that the decidedly feminine focus guides them toward a deeper understanding of how their gender plays a unique and necessary role in being battle-ready for effective service in God’s kingdom. This study is highly recommended for any women’s Bible study group.

For more information, visit or call 800-662-6022.

Author: Vera-Ellen Cook
Volume 108, Number 1
Issue: January 2021
