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Community news: February 2024
Our Savior, Sun City, Ariz., celebrated its 50th anniversary on Jan. 21.
The Awake and Alive Conference for young adults and young adult leaders was held Jan. 12–14 in Waukesha, Wis. The conference included Christian speakers as well as fellowship and worship opportunities and time to gather for discussion in community groups. Learn more at
Risen Savior, Orlando, Fla., had a gingerbread building contest as part of its Christmas festivities. Pictured is an entry depicting Noah’s ark.
Light of the Valley, Layton, Utah, invited Forward in Christ’s executive editor, James Pope, to present at a worship service and Bible study in fall 2023. Submit a request for Pope to visit your church at
The WELS Historical Institute and Salem, Milwaukee, Wis., cohosted a German Christmas concert at the Salem Landmark Church and WELS Museum in December 2023. A small choir and the assembly sang Christmas hymns accompanied on the restored reed organ. Many of the songs sung at the concert would have been familiar to those who attended Salem’s first church service on Christmas Day in 1847. An event highlight was the reading of Luke 2 in German.