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Catechism across a continent

Every year WELS members from across Europe gather for worship and fellowship at an Easter retreat led by the WELS European civilian chaplain. This year, WELS brothers and sisters in faith celebrated a confirmation at the retreat as well.

Confirmation of a students at the Easter retreat in Heidelberg, Germany.
Robert Weiss conducts catechism classes for four students from three countries in Europe. In March, he confirmed one of those students at the Easter retreat in Heidelberg, Germany.

Robert Weiss, the current European chaplain, has been catechizing four students from three different countries around the continent. Three of his students are from military families, and one is the child of a WELS missionary in the United Kingdom.

Weiss mostly holds classes via Zoom for all four students at one time. Zoom catechism classes in this ministry setting offer unique benefits. Weiss says, “Attendance was more regular as children could—and did—attend while traveling to other countries with their families. Catching a student up for a missed class is simple. I can teach class while traveling for work, which is a frequent occurrence. And all but one of the kids are part of military families, so they face similar stresses and challenges.”

Besides the student who was confirmed at the retreat, a second will be confirmed later this year when Weiss travels to visit the family personally.

The WELS European civilian chaplain serves as part of WELS Military Services. Based in Spiesheim, Weiss serves WELS members—military members and their families and expatriates—in several German cities and around Europe.

Learn more about WELS Military Services at If you or someone you know is serving in the military or living in
Europe, fill out a referral form at to be put into contact with Weiss.

Author: FIC
Volume: 111, Number 05
Issue: May 2024