Author: James F. Borgwardt
“The Bible never says we should baptize babies.” So goes the stale argument against infant baptism. I like to respond, “And the Bible never says we should...
Everything in Luther’s catechism revolves around the forgiveness of sins in Jesus. The Ten Commandments reveal sins that need forgiving. The Apostles’ Creed...
If the hymn “Amazing Grace” were written about Matthew, it would end, “I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was out but now I’m in.” Matthew’s ...
To be a good listener, it’s good to practice reflective listening. You listen intently to another person’s words to understand their meaning. You then respo...
At the end of the 13th century, King Edward I of England invaded Scotland. The Scots yearned for a leader to restore their kingdom. They found one in William Wa...
Imagine you are one of three thousand in Jerusalem at Pentecost who repent, are baptized, and are gathered by the Spirit into the Christian church—the messian...
We see God’s beauty and power in nature, but we hear of God’s grace only in his Word. Sight or hearing. Which sense is more important for you? Well, that de...
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Chris...
First and ten for the New York Giants on the 55-yard line. Wait. What?! Football fields don’t have 55-yard lines. That is, unless it’s a game in the Canadia...
Back when folks wore hats and overcoats, they laid them aside when they entered a theater or restaurant. They would check their outerwear at the Coat Check so t...
Why do nonscientists trust science more than scientists do? The media portrays scientific consensus as if it were irrefutable fact. And when searching for certa...
A friend recently joked that he was going to legally change his name to “The Science.” With so many people claiming they “follow the science” these days...
Early one morning, the team gathered on the open plain. Staring at the tower in the distance, they waited. All of their intense, combined efforts over the past ...
Account of the rich young man A time and place for sad reflection James F. Borgwardt Jedidiah Davidson lived an extraordinary life. He was acclaimed as a�...