Bible story art shares gospel with children
When Eternal Love, Appleton, Wis., determined that it needed to renovate the playground area of its pre-K program, Wee Love Learning Center, it decided that meant more than just getting…
When Eternal Love, Appleton, Wis., determined that it needed to renovate the playground area of its pre-K program, Wee Love Learning Center, it decided that meant more than just getting…
While staying at home seems cozy, being part of a community offers opportunities to support and serve one another in Christian love. There's a saying that goes like this: “Once…
Sometimes when we ask God a question, he does not give us an answer that satisfies our human curiosity. Job asked God, “Why have you allowed me to experience such…
Jesus has come: Isaiah's prophecies of the Lord's ministry Isaiah chapter 61 proclaims the good news of Jesus who came to fulfill all righteousness. Isaiah chapter 61 is the first…
We can have peace in our hearts as we view Jesus through eyes of faith. If you have been promised a gift, you can’t wait to get it. You check…
A former athiest finds a church home, a church mom, and salvation. I never thought I’d ever go to church. But that’s what I did on a chilly Sunday morning…
We learn from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount that our anticipation of future blessings can help us enjoy them right now. Why do you get giddy about the news of…
He worked as an undertaker, an undercover narcotics detective, and a homicide investigator. For the past 15 years, he has served as pastor at St. Mark, Leesburg, Fla. The story…
“How can God condemn people if they’ve never heard the gospel?” That is the question Steve Lange addressed in this month’s “Please explain.” As Lange pointed out, the question is…
My wife and I were standing in an empty living room of a new house filled with dust and echoes and not much else until our moving truck arrived. Neither…
An AI Jesus? From search engines to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) is a daily facet of life for many people. But what about AI in church? The oldest Catholic…
Is it wrong to use different instruments in worship? Thanks for this important question. As part of this question, you offered a bit more background: “A fellow member and I…
Book nook: Galatians: The Beating Heart of the Gospel Galatians: The Beating Heart of the Gospel by Roy W. Hefti offers readers a fresh, engaging commentary on the apostle Paul’s…
God leads a mother of six out of abuse and homelessness into a life of stability, service, and evangelism. Joann Hogan, a mother of six and member at Fairview, Milwaukee,…
“HAPPY ANNIVERSARY” are words relished by a husband and wife. These words lead to reminiscing about the first date, the proposal, the wedding, the ups and downs of years spent…