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- “God sometimes changes our plans”
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- 2022 Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary grads
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- 2024 Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary graduates
- A beautiful faith
- A Bible story just for me
- A Bible story just for me: Anxiety
- A Bible story just for me: Depression
- A Bible story just for me: Grief
- A Bible story just for me: Guilt
- A Bible story just for me: Trauma
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- A change of heart
- A Christmas favorite things list
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- A day in the life of a future pastor
- A day in the life of the Lutheran Mobile Clinic
- A delightful trouble
- A father’s example of grace
- A few words about the divine call
- A fresh start
- A front-row seat to WELS Waukesha campus ministry
- A gospel-filled life: Part 1
- A gospel-filled life: Part 10
- A gospel-filled life: Part 2
- A gospel-filled life: Part 3
- A gospel-filled life: Part 4
- A gospel-filled life: Part 5
- A gospel-filled life: Part 6
- A gospel-filled life: Part 7
- A gospel-filled life: Part 8
- A gospel-filled life: Part 9
- A heart captured by the gospel: Article 1
- A heart captured by the gospel: Article 2
- A heart captured by the gospel: Article 3
- A heritage of Word and song
- A hymn for all ages
- A keeper of random information
- A laudable goal . . . with some questions
- A life like Mr. Panza’s
- A lifetime of service to LWMS
- A look back at educating during COVID-19
- A Lutheran Lent
- A man with unclean lips
- A memorable Trinity Sunday sermon
- A most blessed freedom
- A most unusual prayer
- A new chapter for John Braun—and Forward in Christ
- A new chapter in Russia
- A new home for Jesus Cares Ministries
- A new Lighthouse in Appleton
- A new open door
- A new part of the family
- A new story
- A new twist on vacation Bible school
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- A pastoral letter regarding man and woman roles
- A planted mission field
- A quiet place
- A Sabbath from social media
- A season of miracles
- A second family
- A shared path to the ministry
- A small book with a big impact
- A summer of faith, fellowship, and fun
- A thought: Almighty God
- A thought: Change
- A thought: Good job!
- A thought: Happy birthday, Brother!
- A thought: Here we stand!
- A thought: Hope
- A thought: Imperfect world, imperfect life
- A thought: Joy and peace today and everyday
- A thought: Mary
- A thought: Obedience
- A thought: Our Father
- A thought: Outing death
- A thought: Partners
- A thought: Scripture alone
- A thought: The Bible still matters
- A thought: The Christ
- A thought: The difference
- A thought: The Ides of March
- A thought: The path of the righteous
- A thought: Their message to us
- A thought: Trusting what we cannot see
- A translation for the people
- A true family
- A unique system of schools
- A very safe prediction for 2019
- A year of firsts
- Academia Cristo brings new opportunities to share the gospel
- Accept the challenge
- Accepted
- Addressing WELS’ teacher shortage
- Advent devotion: Christ
- Advent devotion: Hope
- Advent devotion: Joy
- Advent devotion: Love
- Advent devotion: Peace
- Advent devotions
- Advent means waiting
- Agape love
- All I want for Christmas
- All you need to remember
- Alone time
- Always say a prayer
- Ambassadors: Help them find Jesus : Part 3
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus : Part 10
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus : Part 12
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus : Part 5
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus : Part 6
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus : Part 7
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus : Part 8
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus : Part 9
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus: Part 11
- Ambassadors: Help them see Jesus: Part 4
- Ambassadors: How I shared Jesus – submissions
- Ambassadors: How I shared Jesus stories
- Amen, Amen
- An easy question?
- An emotional roller-coaster ride
- An end and a beginning for these home missions
- An eternal-life perspective
- An unexpected mission field
- And the door closed behind us
- Annual LWMS convention goes virtual
- Another humbling experience
- Another manger
- Another triumphant saint
- Answering the call for WELS teachers
- Appreciating the clouds
- April 2021
- Archaeology and the couch
- Arizona-California
- As a father has compassion
- As we come and go
- Ascension paradoxes
- At God’s right hand
- At the King’s table
- Audio: A new voice for WELS Daily Devotions
- August 2021
- Away in a feed trough
- Back to school
- Back to the basics: Baptism
- Back to the basics: Keys and confession
- Back to the basics: The Apostles’ Creed
- Back to the basics: The Lord’s Prayer
- Back to the basics: The Lord’s Supper
- Back to the basics: The Ten Commandments
- Bacon-wrapped lies
- Be gentle like Jesus
- Be imitators of Jesus in doing good
- Be like Jesus in forgiveness and love
- Beauty and ugliness
- Becoming “those people”
- Becoming a living sacrifice
- Behind the scenes: How graduates are assigned to ministry
- Being a good Samaritan
- Being a welcoming congregation
- Being Christ’s witnesses
- Belief in the face of disbelief
- Believe the Christmas miracles
- Believe the Word
- Bible contradictions?
- Bible study: A loving God saved people from hell
- Bible study: Above all things!
- Bible study: Baptismal blessings
- Bible study: Citizens of two kingdoms
- Bible study: Different types of sin
- Bible study: Freedom in service
- Bible study: Gifts of tongues and miraculous healing
- Bible study: Giving God glory
- Bible study: God cares
- Bible study: God forgives and refuses to remember our sins
- Bible study: God has not grown soft on sin
- Bible study: God helps those who cannot help themselves
- Bible study: God made the world
- Bible study: God provides victory over death!
- Bible study: God wants me in heaven
- Bible study: God’s attitude is grace
- Bible study: God’s inspiration
- Bible study: Interpretation practice
- Bible study: Jesus is everyone’s Savior
- Bible study: Judge for yourself
- Bible study: Love one another
- Bible study: Only one path leads to God’s presence
- Bible study: Precious grace
- Bible study: Rejoice in your status!
- Bible study: Rewards of grace
- Bible study: Spiritual gifts
- Bible study: The Bible’s account of Easter morning
- Bible study: The Bible’s attributes
- Bible study: The comfort of God’s providence
- Bible study: The importance of the family altar
- Bible study: The incarnation of our Lord
- Bible study: The need for the Bible and worship
- Bible study: What’s going to happen on the Last Day?
- Big challenge, bigger blessings
- Billboard theology
- Bittersweet
- Blessed to be a blessing
- Blessings in tragedy
- Board for Home Missions approves five new missions
- Book nook: Purposeful Grieving
- Book nook: Quick to Listen: Understanding Viewpoints that Challenge Your Faith
- Book nook: 5-minute Bible studies for couples
- Book nook: 5-Minute Bible Studies for Families
- Book nook: 5-minute Bible Studies for Teens
- Book nook: Christian Service Members’ Handbook
- Book nook: Deep as the Sea: Letters to Survivors of Trauma
- Book nook: Esther: Providential Persian Queen
- Book nook: From Heaven Above
- Book nook: Full Accessories of God
- Book nook: Galatians: The Beating Heart of the Gospel
- Book nook: God Loves Nobodies: Good News for Somebody Like Me
- Book nook: I Know That I Know: The Certainty of Christian Faith
- Book nook: In God’s Orchard
- Book nook: Inashood
- Book nook: Look Up From Your Phone So I Can Love You
- Book nook: Mary: Providential Earthly Mother of God
- Book nook: Seeing God’s Heart
- Book nook: Simply Lutheran
- Book nook: The Baptismal Life
- Book nook: The Heart of Faith
- Book nook: These Words are Written
- Book nook: Waiting on God More
- Book nook: What Does This Mean?
- Book nook: Whatever is True: A Christian View of Anxiety
- Book nook: Your Life Has Meaning
- Bringing Back Some Memories
- Bringing the Word to Bogotá
- Brothers in ministry
- Build others up
- Building a congregation’s outreach culture
- Building awareness and support for foster families
- Building God’s kingdom in Parrish
- Burden bearer
- But you promised!
- Called to love, called to speak
- Campus cornerstone: 4 ways to keep your faith strong
- Campus cornerstone: Fighting the loneliness epidemic
- Campus cornerstone: The rock
- Campus Ministry: Celebrating 100 years
- Caring for called workers
- Catechism across a continent
- Catechism truths from Matthew: Apostles’ Creed
- Catechism truths from Matthew: Baptism
- Catechism truths from Matthew: The keys and confession
- Catechism truths from Matthew: The Lord’s Prayer
- Catechism truths from Matthew: The Lord’s Supper
- Catechism truths from Matthew: The Ten Commandments
- Celebrating National Hymnal Week
- Challenged churches
- Changes in East Asia mission field
- Changes in WELS administration
- Changing hearts
- Children in need of teachers
- Christ and cribbage
- Christ begins
- Christ’s return is imminent
- Christian love in politics
- Christian roots
- Christian Worship Lectionary February 2023
- Christian Worship Lectionary January 2023
- Christian Worship Lectionary March 2023
- Christian Worship on campus
- Christmas glory
- Christmas really happened
- Church food bank shares love through action
- Church in Panama City rededicated after hurricane
- Church launches social media campaign starring Martin Luther
- Clarity in life from closeness to death
- Cleansed once and for all
- Close enough to love
- Clothed with Christ
- Clothed with the love of Christ
- Coffee and Forward in Christ
- Colorado church receives relief from fires
- Come, Lord Jesus!
- Communicating through art
- Community news: April 2024
- Community news: December 2024
- Community news: February 2024
- Community news: January 2024
- Community news: January 2025
- Community news: June 2024
- Community news: March 2024
- Community news: May 2024
- Community news: November 2024
- Community news: October 2024
- Community news: September 2024
- Compassion at work
- Conference aims to empower women to share God’s Word
- Conference encourages staff ministers
- Confessions of faith: Alicia Heintz
- Confessions of faith: Allen and Rosalind Braun
- Confessions of faith: Angie Zhang
- Confessions of faith: Anna Linden
- Confessions of faith: Anthony and Alex Lleonart
- Confessions of faith: Anthony and Tyler
- Confessions of faith: Bernard Dale
- Confessions of faith: Boggs family
- Confessions of faith: Brad Harris
- Confessions of faith: Brandee and Jim Cranfield
- Confessions of faith: Caroline and Lawrence McCatty
- Confessions of faith: Casy Phillips
- Confessions of faith: Cheryle and Dana McArdle
- Confessions of faith: Christopher Koch
- Confessions of faith: Clark Woods
- Confessions of faith: Colleen Thorson
- Confessions of faith: Cristina Urbanek
- Confessions of faith: Dale Anne Mondy
- Confessions of faith: Dan Horner
- Confessions of faith: Daryl Fleck
- Confessions of faith: Delaney Leffel
- Confessions of faith: Elizabeth Harr
- Confessions of faith: Erik Alair
- Confessions of faith: Four generations
- Confessions of faith: Gabby Kim
- Confessions of faith: Gary Lupe
- Confessions of faith: Gina Beasley
- Confessions of faith: Hany Guzmán
- Confessions of faith: Harry and Angie Corey
- Confessions of faith: Harry family
- Confessions of faith: Holly Vaden and the Thorsons
- Confessions of faith: Hưu-Trung Lê
- Confessions of faith: Israel Asongo
- Confessions of faith: Jack and Cathie Dearing
- Confessions of faith: Jack Cotter
- Confessions of faith: Jason LeMay
- Confessions of faith: Jay Lore
- Confessions of faith: Jennifer Nelson
- Confessions of faith: Joann Hogan
- Confessions of faith: John Jia
- Confessions of faith: Jon-Michael Blowe
- Confessions of faith: Jonathan and Devon Hightower
- Confessions of faith: Julian
- Confessions of faith: Kaitlin Lamb
- Confessions of faith: Kalbach
- Confessions of faith: Kang family
- Confessions of faith: Kannika Killion
- Confessions of faith: Keleen Carlson
- Confessions of faith: Ken Blaine
- Confessions of faith: Kent Gavin
- Confessions of faith: Linda Sherman
- Confessions of faith: Lynne Eby
- Confessions of faith: Mark Hartman
- Confessions of faith: Matt and Danielle Cosgrave
- Confessions of faith: Nick and Lacey Wagner
- Confessions of faith: Nick Mount
- Confessions of faith: Pat Ensign
- Confessions of faith: Qiang Wang
- Confessions of faith: Quinton Jones
- Confessions of faith: Ramirez
- Confessions of faith: Richard Bush
- Confessions of faith: Roy Mendoza and Paul Moronczyk
- Confessions of faith: Salvador Contreras
- Confessions of faith: Shawn Jacobs
- Confessions of faith: Sherry Deaton
- Confessions of faith: Souksamay Phetsanghane
- Confessions of faith: Steve Yetter
- Confessions of faith: Teryl and Terry Bishop
- Confessions of faith: The Bunco girls
- Confessions of faith: Travis and Frankie
- Confessions of faith: Will Jones
- Confessions of faith: Yaz Rodriguez
- Confessions of faith: Zach and Chanti Sanchez
- Confusion or comfort?
- Congregation celebrates 200 years
- Congregational intern program offers real-life experience
- Congregational Services launches Welcome Home
- Connecting people to the gospel
- Connecting teens to Christ and one another
- Cookies for loneliness
- COVID casualties
- Creating connections
- Creating digital side doors
- Crying seasons
- Dakota-Montana
- Dark days in life
- Dave in a silver sedan
- Day 01: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 01: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 02: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 02: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 03: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 03: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 04: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 04: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 05: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 05: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 06: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 06: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 07: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 07: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 08: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 08: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 09: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 09: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 10: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 10: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 11: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 11: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 12: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 12: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 13: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 13: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 14: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 14: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 15: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 15: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 16: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 16: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 17: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 17: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 18: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 18: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 19: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 19: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 20: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 20: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 21: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 21: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 22: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 22: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 23: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 23: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 24: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 24: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 25: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 25: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 26: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 26: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 27: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 27: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 28: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 28: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 29: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 29: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 30: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 30: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 31: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 31: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 32: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 32: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 33: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 33: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 34: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 34: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 35: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 35: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 36: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 36: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 37: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 37: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 38: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 38: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 39: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 39: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 40: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 40: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Day 41: Jesus’ Passion
- Day 41: Jesus’ Passion – Podcast
- Death dies on this mountain
- Death is precious
- December 2021
- Decision on district conventions
- Delegates play an important role in synod’s ministry
- Delegates thankful to gather for district conventions
- Delegates work together at hybrid convention
- Deliver us from evil
- Demonstrating Christ’s love
- Destinies
- Devoted to the work of God
- Diary of a missionary’s wife
- Different, not done
- Difficult conversations
- Digging for insights
- Digital resources: Hymnal tools for the modern world
- Discover who you are
- District convention news 2024
- District news: April 2020
- District news: April 2021
- District news: April 2022
- District news: April 2023
- District news: August 2021
- District news: August 2022
- District news: August 2023
- District news: December 2020
- District news: December 2021
- District news: December 2022
- District news: February 2021
- District news: February 2022
- District news: February 2023
- District news: January 2021
- District news: January 2022
- District news: January 2023
- District news: June 2021
- District news: June 2022
- District news: June 2023
- District news: March 2020
- District news: March 2021
- District news: March 2022
- District news: March 2023
- District news: May 2021
- District news: May 2022
- District news: May 2023
- District news: November 2020
- District news: November 2021
- District news: November 2022
- District news: November 2023
- District news: October 2020
- District news: October 2021
- District news: October 2022
- District news: October 2023
- District news: September 2022
- Do you mind if I come in?
- Doing their thing their way
- Don’t judge a book by its cover
- Don’t miss the point
- Don’t forget Advent
- Don’t turn away
- Drowning in a sea of bad news
- Dust you are
- Easter is life
- Easter made it so
- Easter outreach program available
- ELS president with the Lord
- Embodying God’s calling
- Embracing a double standard
- Embroidered garments
- Empowering lay leaders to teach Bible information classes
- Encouragement along the road
- Encouragement and support for new home missionaries
- Encouraging and supporting future called workers
- Encouraging others has ripple effects
- Encouraging young people for ministry
- Enduring Word
- Epiphanies change everything
- Episode 01 – 364 Days of Thanksgiving
- Episode 02 – Nurturing contentment
- Episode 03 – Little white lies
- Episode 04 – Teaching Respect
- Episode 05 – Special needs child
- Episode 06 – Handling money
- Episode 07 – Mosts of motherhood
- Episode 08 – When disaster strikes
- Episode 09 – Extracurricular activities
- Episode 10 – Building a child’s self-worth
- Episode 11 – Children and the election
- Episode 12 – Volunteering as a family
- Episode 13 – Children in worship services
- Episode 14 – Choice of role models
- Episode 15 – Shaping responsible behavior
- Episode 16 – Parenting and technology
- Episode 17 – Tips for a simple summer
- Episode 18 – Using law and gospel in everyday situations
- Episode 19 – A successful school year
- Episode 20 – Explaining Reformation to children
- Episode 21 – Cultivating a mission heart in children
- Episode 22 – Teaching kids to work toward goals
- Episode 23 – Finding strength in gentleness
- Episode 24 – Thoughts from an experienced dad
- Episode 25 – Bedtime routines
- Episode 26 – Supporting children as they struggle
- Episode 27 – Back to School
- Episode 28 – Raising godly men – November 2018
- Episode 29 – Family Advent Devotions
- Episode 30 – Protecting kids without scaring them
- Episode 31 – Facing a parent’s illness as a family
- Episode 32 – What’s a parent’s role in dating?
- Episode 33 – Teaching kids how money works
- Evangelism lessons from the Savior: Luke 10 : Part 2
- Evangelism lessons from the Savior: Luke 10 : Part 3
- Evangelism lessons from the Savior: Luke 10: Part 1
- Evangelism lessons from the Savior: Part 3
- Event encourages supporting WELS members in the military
- Ever been tempted like that?
- Every day with Galatians
- Everything’s going according to plan
- Examined and confirmed
- Experience is the best teacher
- Experiencing the gospel through art
- Extending a healing reach to Kenya
- Facts over feelings
- Faith
- Faith and the thinking Christian: Part 1: Science as servant
- Faith and the thinking Christian: Part 2: The limits of science
- Faith and the thinking Christian: Part 3: The misperception of scientific certainty
- Faith and the thinking Christian: Part 4: Does faith hinder scientific discovery?
- Faith and the thinking Christian: Part 5: Home field advantage
- Faith and the thinking Christian: Part 6: Evolution and the thoughtful Christian
- Faith in Jesus
- Faithfully serving you
- Fall in love with God’s Word
- Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
- Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.
- Fathers
- Fathers of encouragement
- Favorite Christmas hymns
- Fear, fellowship, facts, and freedom
- February 2021
- Feeding your faith every single day
- FIC Designer
- Finding a spiritual home in Atlanta
- Finding courage in trouble
- Finding purpose through pain
- Finished!
- Five centuries of Lutheran hymnals
- Focus on what is ahead
- Focused living in Christ
- Focused on Christ
- Follow me
- Food for body and soul
- For matchless grace
- For the Lord’s glory – Part 2
- For the Lord’s glory – Part 1
- For the love of the Lord
- Forgive as you are forgiven
- Forgiveness isn’t fair
- Forward in Christ Top 10 of 2022
- Forward in Christ top 10 of 2023
- Forward in Christ top 10 of 2024
- Fostering a love of music
- Four brothers, one mission
- Four tiers of support for early childhood teachers
- Free at last!
- Free in Christ: Community outreach
- Free in Christ: Congregational Bible studies
- Free in Christ: Congregational staffing
- Free in Christ: Individual prayer
- Free in Christ: Member ministry
- Free in Christ: Personal Bible study
- Free in Christ: Personal offerings
- Free in Christ: Personal witnessing
- Free in Christ: Stewardship of time and talents
- Free in Christ: Use of property
- Free in Christ: Vestments and other worship attire
- Free in Christ: Worship
- Free in Christ: Youth confirmation practices
- Free to serve
- Freedom’s value is in its use
- Freely forgiven
- Friends are friends forever
- Friends through life and death
- Frogs in heated recliners
- From Colombia to London
- From heaven to your heart
- From hurried to hopeful
- Get busy living
- Getting older. Getting closer.
- Getting to know the new district presidents
- Getting to know the new district presidents
- Give thanks to the LORD
- Give to Caesar and to God
- Go and TELL
- God didn’t have to do that
- God is still building his church
- God loves the doubters
- God makes it grow
- God provides harvest workers: One family’s story
- God’s grace in Vietnam
- God’s people grow
- God’s perfect love
- God’s perfect timing
- God’s saving grace in Apacheland
- God’s solid foundation
- God’s actors
- God’s continued grace in Vietnam
- God’s cure—for everything
- God’s desire for a multiethnic church
- God’s forgiveness
- God’s gifts, our giving: Part 1
- God’s gifts, our giving: Part 2
- God’s gifts, our giving: Part 3
- God’s policy of love
- God’s promised rest
- Going home
- Gospel Hands: Proclaiming Jesus to those with hearing loss
- Gospel outreach opportunities in Africa
- Grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone
- Granny’s cross
- Grants available to help more people hear the Word
- Grieving in hope
- Growing closer to Jesus and one another
- Growing in faith and fellowship
- Growing in grace and knowledge
- Growth and partnership in Indonesia
- Hands off the Bible!
- Happy anniversary, WELS!
- Having all the facts
- He is risen
- He loves me, he loves me not
- He was listening
- He’s coming—really!
- Heart to heart: Parent conversations: Are we modeling kindness for our children?
- Heart to heart: Parent conversations: How can parents model healthy cell phone use?
- Heart to heart: Parent conversations: How can we help a family with a sick parent?
- Heart to heart: Parent conversations: How do parents find contentment?
- Heart to heart: Parent conversations: How should we handle it when people undermine our parenting decisions?
- Heart to heart: Parent conversations: What’s a parent’s role as a child dates?
- Heart to heart: Parent conversations: What’s the best parenting advice you’ve received or given?
- Heaven’s morning breaks
- Heirs of heaven
- Help from the Mountain Maker
- Here & now
- Here I stand
- Here we still stand
- Here’s the key
- High school students live out school’s vision
- Hindsight shows God’s blessings
- His victory is our victory
- Holy Week is coming!
- Home Missions continues its mission of sharing the gospel
- Home missions launch first worship services
- Honoring government through sacrifice
- Hope
- Hope after the storm in Puerto Rico
- Hope for the future
- Hope on our journey
- How I approach vaccines as a Christian physician
- How to be a real man
- Human evangelism
- Hymn focuses on Jesus’ words from the cross
- I am thirsty.
- I come
- I just had an epiphany!
- I love you
- I repent in dust and ashes
- I will do what I can
- Illustrating God’s powerful Word through art at Taste of Missions
- In Christ
- In Christ
- In defense of millennials
- In God’s hands
- In living color
- In the name of Jesus
- In-person Christian fellowship in Seoul
- Increased school enrollments offer new opportunities for outreach
- Insights into Lutheran leadership
- Intentions
- Introducing the new hymnal
- Investing in a rich worship life
- Involving youth in worship
- Isaiah’s prophecies: Part 1
- Isaiah’s prophecies: Part 2
- Isaiah’s prophecies: Part 3
- It happened in a garden: Joseph of Arimathea’s garden
- It happened in a garden: The Garden of Gethsemane
- It is finished.
- It’s never too early
- It’s time to forget
- January 2021
- January 2022
- Jesus changes us
- Jesus every day
- Jesus fills us up
- Jesus is for the birds
- Jesus is our joy
- Jesus is the key
- Jesus is the prophet
- Jesus lights the way
- Jesus wept
- Jesus’ church will not be overcome
- Jesus’ hands are never tied
- Jesus’ last will and testament
- Johannes Bugenhagen: Lessons from Luther’s pastor
- Joseph also went up
- Joy beneath the sadness
- Joyful repentance
- Judgement-free zone
- July 2021
- June 2021
- Justice, here and hereafter
- Keeping the festival
- King David and our future King: Article 1
- King David and our future King: Article 2
- King David and our future King: Article 3
- King David and our future King: Article 4
- King David and our future King: Article 5
- King David and our future King: Article 6
- Known as God’s distinctive community
- Known for a higher hope
- Lavished love for loneliness
- Laying a foundation for the week
- Leadership conference equips members to serve
- Leading from your knees
- Learning about God’s timing
- Lent means love
- Lent: Remembering his sacrifice
- Lenten repentance, Lenten appreciation
- Less eyes. More ears.
- Let them be little
- Let your light shine: Book drive memorial
- Let your light shine: Doug Tabor
- Let your light shine: God’s Word continues to be spread
- Let your light shine: Justman
- Let your light shine: Toy drive
- Let’s do Lent!
- Letters provide opportunity for intergenerational connection
- Letters reflect wisdom and encouragement
- Light for our path: Can the devil personally be tempting me and a lot of other people at exactly the same time?
- Light for our path: Can you please explain Matthew 5:20?
- Light for our path: Does God hate us?
- Light for our path: Does the word Easter refer to Ishtar, the Babylonian fertility goddess?
- Light for our path: Is it a sin to want to die from a terminal illness?
- Light for our path: Is the cross symbol now anti-Christian?
- Light for our path: Were Joseph and Mary engaged or married when Joseph learned of Mary’s pregnancy?
- Light for our path: What advice can you give about applauding in church?
- Light for our path: What does a submissive wife in a Christian marriage look like?
- Light for our path: What does the white stone in Revelation 2:17 mean?
- Light for our path: What is karma?
- Light for our path: What kind of comfort can you give someone when a loved one commits suicide?
- Light for our path: What role does emotion play in contrition?
- Light in the darkness
- Lighthouse Youth Center opens third location
- Like Joseph
- Live in Easter joy
- Looking back and forward
- Looking for perfection
- Looking forward
- Lord, have mercy!
- Love and care for called workers
- Love in action during COVID-19
- Love one another
- Lutheran leadership conference a success
- Lutheran Leadership Conference coming in 2020
- Lutheran leadership: Not just authority
- Lutheran Pioneers: Building on the foundation of the past
- Majoring on the minors – Part 12
- Make every effort
- Making Christ known in Latin America
- Mapping Paul’s journeys
- March 2021
- May 2021
- Meet a delegate
- Meet FIC’s new executive editor
- Meet the editorial staff: Aaron Goetzinger
- Meet the editorial staff: David Scharf
- Meet the editorial staff: Enderle
- Meet the editorial staff: Evan Chartrand
- Meet the editorial staff: Greg Lyon
- Meet the editorial staff: James Borgwardt
- Meet the editorial staff: Jeremiah Gumm
- Meet the editorial staff: Nathan Nass
- Meet the editorial staff: Richard Lauersdorf
- Meet the editorial staff: Snowden Sims
- Meet the editorial staff: Stephen Helwig
- Meeting a growing need in the community
- Meeting the needs of others
- Members support Vietnam outreach
- Men’s ministry highlights the outdoors and spiritual growth
- Merging for mission – Part 1
- Merging for mission – Part 2
- Merging for mission – Part 3
- Mid-year MLC graduates
- Midweek Bible class functions as family
- Military teen confirmed virtually
- Mind your own business
- Ministry in action
- Ministry in Europe continues despite pandemic challenges
- Minnesota
- Miracle in the mess
- Mission dreams
- Mission opportunities in London
- Mission trips provide new perspectives and opportunities
- Mission work approved in Senegal
- Missionaries called to explore new world mission fields
- MLC celebrates 25 years
- MLC mid-year graduates
- Moments of decision
- Moments with missionaries: Abe Degner
- Moments with missionaries: Craig Wilke
- Moments with missionaries: Dan Laitinen
- Moments with missionaries: Dan Laitinen in Kenya
- Moments with missionaries: Hendersonville, North Carolina
- Moments with missionaries: Jacob Ungemach
- Moments with missionaries: Joel Nitz
- Moments with missionaries: Keegan Dowling
- Moments with missionaries: Nate Walther
- Moments with missionaries: Phil Hunter
- Moments with missionaries: Robert Siirila
- Moments with missionaries: Stephen Wiesenauer
- Moments with missionaries: Timothy Bourman
- Moments with missionaries: Timothy Spiegelberg
- Moments with missionaries: Timothy Walsh
- Moments with missionaries: Waukegan, Illinois
- Money talks!
- More about the divine call
- More room for joy!
- More than a job
- More than conquerors
- More than enough
- More than enough
- More workers for a bountiful harvest
- Mother’s Day
- Moving the needle
- My Christian life: A health crisis leads to new ministry opportunities
- My Christian life: A journey from Ukraine to the United States
- My Christian life: A Malawian Christian committed to serving others
- My Christian life: A man of truth
- My Christian life: A pastor with brain cancer finds true strength
- My Christian life: A single mother finds a new beginning
- My Christian life: A teacher retires full of memories
- My Christian life: A Ukrainian mother chooses life
- My Christian life: An autistic man eagerly shares the gospel
- My Christian life: An incredible harp-playing journey
- My Christian life: An unexpected call to ministry later in life
- My Christian life: Battling cancer as a teenager
- My Christian life: Battling mental illness as a young mom
- My Christian life: Born deaf to a hearing family
- My Christian life: Breaking barriers in Milwaukee and beyond
- My Christian life: Camp BASIC
- My Christian life: Child of missionary grows up to serve as missionary herself
- My Christian life: College student recovers after rare diagnosis
- My Christian life: Dealing with mental illness
- My Christian life: Engaging the church’s youth
- My Christian life: Faith provides firm foundation after cancer diagnosis
- My Christian life: Finding real Christmas joy while in the hospital
- My Christian life: Finding true peace through Psalm 23
- My Christian life: From Air Force sergeant to staff minister
- My Christian life: From prospect to pastor
- My Christian life: Fulfilling physical and spiritual needs
- My Christian life: God reunites a mother and her daughter
- My Christian life: Haiti adoptions
- My Christian life: Heart transplant inspires a life of service
- My Christian life: Highlighting the Scriptures through art
- My Christian life: Holding up the prophets’ hands
- My Christian life: I have depression, but Jesus has me
- My Christian life: Leading as a Christian in the business world
- My Christian life: Making music as a family
- My Christian life: Mission opportunities in South Asia
- My Christian life: Music as a companion on life’s journey
- My Christian life: Navajo shepherdess finds joy in Jesus
- My Christian life: On the front lines of a pandemic
- My Christian life: Once a detective, now a pastor
- My Christian life: One man’s battle with anxiety
- My Christian life: One of the first members of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society
- My Christian life: One serviceman’s faith journey
- My Christian life: One woman’s gratitude for being excommunicated
- My Christian life: Pen pal shares faith with prisoners
- My Christian life: Perspectives from a lay missionary
- My Christian life: Premature twins defy medical odds
- My Christian life: Raising a child with special needs
- My Christian life: Serving in retirement as a vacancy pastor
- My Christian life: Spencer Beach
- My Christian life: Teen faces difficult medical diagnosis
- My Christian life: The reality of being a Vietnam veteran
- My Christian life: The sign maker
- My Christian life: The unique path of embryo adoption
- My Christian life: Turning tragedy into blessing
- My Christian life: WELS nurse lives out faith through her vocation
- My Christian life: When vocation and ministry collide
- My Christian life: Young Christian copies the Bible by hand
- My Christmas response
- My church family
- My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
- My heart rests on Jesus
- My soul magnifies the Lord
- My wordless groans
- Never take it for granted
- New athletic center to be built at Martin Luther College
- New Bible readings start this month
- New Bible translation available – EHV
- New director for Christian Aid and Relief
- New director for WELS Special Ministries
- New faces at the Center for Mission and Ministry
- New family devotions available
- New Kids Connection segment can star your church or school
- New leadership at Northwestern Publishing House
- New location for Northwestern Publishing House
- New mentoring program helps congregations reach those in need
- New mission online event set for this month
- New opportunities to offer pandemic relief
- New partners in Christ through convention
- New president at Martin Luther College
- New president starts at Martin Luther College
- New resolve for a new year
- New school year brings difficult decisions
- New synod in Latin America
- New videos encourage married couples to “take a moment”
- New virtual academy offers opportunities
- News from WELS’ sister churches
- News you can trust
- No contradiction at all
- No fear of bad news
- No hidden fees
- No time for silence
- Not just an emotion
- Not just the capital of Rhode Island
- Not my kind of king
- November 2021
- Novotny takes over for Jeske at Time of Grace
- Now I lay me down to sleep
- Now is still the time
- Now thank we all our God!
- Now what?
- October 2021
- Offering hope and help in Ukraine
- On grief and grieving: A Christian perspective
- On mission statements and missions
- On the middle road
- One aha after another
- One for all
- One little word
- One ordinary life
- One person at a time
- Online services extend gospel reach
- Online support groups help members connect with one another and God’s Word
- Opening doors in Advent and beyond
- Operation Go impacts volunteers and congregations
- Other miraculous signs?
- Our cross and crown
- Our desperate need
- Our divine flag man
- Our Lord reigns
- Our Lutheran moment
- Our shelter in God’s shadow
- Our task is not over
- Our very great reward
- Our worldwide fellowship
- Out from the shadows
- Overcome evil with good
- Overwhelmed but not overcome
- Painted into the picture
- Palmetto palms and wrens
- Paradise lost?
- Paradise restored
- Parent conversations: Do we want our children to be leaders or followers?
- Parent conversations: How can families use the hymnal in their worship life at home?
- Parent conversations: How can I explain the Sixth Commandment to a young child?
- Parent conversations: How can I help my child have an optimistic outlook?
- Parent conversations: How can I keep my child engaged in attending church?
- Parent conversations: How can I let the gospel shine as I parent?
- Parent conversations: How can I stay calm when my child is out of control?
- Parent conversations: How can our family grow together in faith over the summer?
- Parent conversations: How can parents and kids manage stress?
- Parent conversations: How can parents find the balance between being too restrictive and too permissive?
- Parent conversations: How can parents maintain a healthy marriage?
- Parent conversations: How can parents reassure children during an uncertain time?
- Parent conversations: How can parents reinforce the importance of confirmation in their child’s life?
- Parent conversations: How can we be sensitive to parents with a child who has special needs?
- Parent conversations: How can we help a stressed-out kid?
- Parent conversations: How can we help kids develop positive, healthy habits?
- Parent conversations: How can we help today’s overwhelmed teens?
- Parent conversations: How can we help young adults stay engaged in the church?
- Parent conversations: How can we instill gratitude in our children?
- Parent conversations: How can we model good listening skills for our kids?
- Parent conversations: How can we nurture a proper view of “stuff”?
- Parent conversations: How can we prepare children for summer camp?
- Parent conversations: How can we protect kids without scaring them?
- Parent conversations: How can we raise a generation that cherishes life?
- Parent conversations: How can we teach gentleness and strength at the same time?
- Parent conversations: How can we teach kids to be good friends?
- Parent conversations: How do I approach vaccines as a Christian parent?
- Parent conversations: How do I help a child who is struggling to adapt to the new school year?
- Parent conversations: How do parents not let worry get the best of them?
- Parent conversations: How do we discuss death with our children?
- Parent conversations: How do we help our kids move on from mistakes?
- Parent conversations: How do we resist making our parenting law-based?
- Parent conversations: How do we teach children resilience?
- Parent conversations: How do we teach our kids to value all people?
- Parent conversations: How does a parent’s role change over time?
- Parent conversations: How does a teen’s brain work?
- Parent conversations: How involved should parents be in a child’s homework?
- Parent conversations: How much should I monitor my child online?
- Parent conversations: How should families prepare to go back to school?
- Parent conversations: How should I handle a child’s separation anxiety?
- Parent conversations: How should I handle a disagreement with my child’s teacher?
- Parent conversations: How should we handle sibling squabbling?
- Parent conversations: Parenting failures–and how to recover: Dad edition
- Parent conversations: Parenting failures–and how to recover: Mom edition
- Parent conversations: Parenting post–high school: What is a parent’s role?
- Parent conversations: Should I give something up for Lent?
- Parent conversations: What are developmentally appropriate ways of talking to children about sex?
- Parent conversations: What are the best Bible story books for family devotions?
- Parent conversations: What are the building blocks of a strong parent/child relationship?
- Parent conversations: What are ways to foster a rich prayer life in children?
- Parent conversations: What are your New Year’s resolutions as a parent?
- Parent conversations: What Bible passages do you turn to most as a parent?
- Parent conversations: What Christmas traditions do you cherish in your family?
- Parent conversations: What do I need to consider before I give my child a cell phone?
- Parent conversations: What do parents need to know about video games?
- Parent conversations: What do your prayers for your children include?
- Parent conversations: What does it look like for a father to be a strong Christian leader?
- Parent conversations: What does your family’s bedtime routine look like?
- Parent conversations: What if we can’t follow our Christmas traditions this year?
- Parent conversations: What is our goal as parents?
- Parent conversations: What is vocation? How does it apply to parenting?
- Parent conversations: What life skills will help young people as they transition to adulthood?
- Parent conversations: What should Christian parents teach their children about gender?
- Parent conversations: What should we do when our children grow silent?
- Parent conversations: What should we teach our children about the Reformation?
- Parent conversations: What tactics do you use to encourage children to tackle difficult tasks?
- Parent conversations: When parenting philosophies differ
- Parent conversations: Why do siblings fight? How should I react when they are fighting?
- Parent conversations: Why should children obey their parents?
- Parent conversations: You might be a Lutheran parent if . . .
- Parenting parents
- Parenting tips to help kids cope
- Partnering to spread God’s Word in Kenya and Ethiopia
- Partners in ministry
- Pastor and wife appreciation month
- Pastors share letter and artwork to encourage students
- Peace for the land of the free
- Perfect joy awaits
- Personal reformation
- Perspective
- Pick up the proper sword
- Pioneering fellowship and friendships
- Pipeline for Home Missions is expanding
- Plan with wisdom and faith
- Plant the Seed
- Planting seeds
- Planting seeds to bear eternal fruit
- Please explain: Am I really a saint?
- Please explain: Are sins of thought as bad as committing the actual sin?
- Please explain: As a Christian, what does it mean to be humble?
- Please explain: Can a Bible verse be overused or used at an inappropriate time or setting?
- Please explain: Can Christians be so heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good?
- Please explain: Does Christian freedom give me the right to do anything?
- Please explain: Does God favor certain people?
- Please explain: Does Jesus build his church on Peter and his successors?
- Please explain: How are pastors able to forgive sins?
- Please explain: How can I be a Christian when there are so many hypocrites in the church?
- Please explain: How can Jesus be our friend if he isn’t physically here on earth?
- Please explain: How do I know whom to believe now that Jesus is gone?
- Please explain: How do we know that Jesus rose from the dead?
- Please explain: How does God’s kingdom grow?
- Please explain: How is church discipline a loving practice of the church?
- Please explain: How was it right for Jesus to provide so much wine at the wedding at Cana?
- Please explain: If I have been baptized, does that mean I have been anointed?
- Please explain: If I worry, am I doubting God?
- Please explain: If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, how can he also be the Lamb of God?
- Please explain: If the Sabbath law no longer applies, why do I have to go to church?
- Please explain: Is everything in the Bible true?
- Please explain: Is God’s design for marriage relevant in today’s world?
- Please explain: Is heaven going to be boring?
- Please explain: Is it true that God will never give us more than we can handle?
- Please explain: The world is a mess. Why doesn’t Jesus do something about it?
- Please explain: Was John’s baptism the same as the baptism commanded by Jesus?
- Please explain: What can I do when my relationship with Jesus causes family problems?
- Please explain: What comfort does the Bible give grieving Christians?
- Please explain: What did Jesus mean about a camel going through the eye of a needle?
- Please explain: What do people mean when they say that they have been “born again”?
- Please explain: What does it mean that “many are invited, but few are chosen”?
- Please explain: What does it mean that Christians are priests before God?
- Please explain: What does it mean that Jesus’ enemies would become a footstool for his feet?
- Please explain: What does it mean to give up everything to follow Jesus?
- Please explain: What does it mean to have your name written in God’s book?
- Please explain: What good can possibly come from the persecution of Christians?
- Please explain: What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the life of a Christian?
- Please explain: What is the millennium all about?
- Please explain: What is the point of praying?
- Please explain: What makes God unique?
- Please explain: What sets Old Testament Israel apart from other people?
- Please explain: What’s the big deal about Easter?
- Please explain: Where do we get the idea of the Trinity when that word isn’t mentioned in the Bible?
- Please explain: Whom do we blame for bad things?
- Please explain: Why are only Christians’ works good, but the same works by others are not?
- Please explain: Why can’t my sister have communion with us?
- Please explain: Why did God cruelly command Abraham to sacrifice his son?
- Please explain: Why did God give the Ten Commandments?
- Please explain: Why did Jesus do miracles?
- Please explain: Why did Jesus use parables to teach?
- Please explain: Why do I so often fail to do what God wants?
- Please explain: Why does the Bible call Satan “the god of this age”?
- Please explain: Why is Holy Communion so important to confessional Lutherans?
- Please explain: Why is Jesus taking so long to return?
- Please explain: Why is the church always talking about money?
- Please explain: Why is the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead so important?
- Please explain: Why is the virgin birth of Christ important?
- Please explain: Why should I be a Christian when I have to suffer?
- Please explain: Why should we love our enemies?
- Please explain: Why was it important for Jesus to keep the commandments?
- Pointing people to the Shepherd
- Potential new world mission fields
- Power in the ordinary
- Power over death
- Powered by the Holy Spirit
- Practicing Christian freedom
- Pray and encourage
- Pray for us
- Pray for workers
- Pray that I . . .
- Pray, Christian, pray
- Preachers and listeners
- Preserving a priceless spiritual treasure
- Preserving His story
- President’s message: A field ripe for harvest
- President’s message: A lesson to be learned
- President’s message: A time for trust
- President’s message: Blessings small and large
- President’s message: Canceling the cancel culture
- President’s message: Cooperating in externals
- President’s message: Future unknown, future certain
- President’s message: God’s work does not stop
- President’s message: Having the right tools
- President’s message: Making normal a reality
- President’s message: More than dollars and numbers
- President’s message: Peace on earth—but what kind?
- President’s message: Safe in the power of God
- President’s message: Standing on the truth
- President’s message: Thankful—even now?
- President’s message: The end of the story
- President’s message: The fields are ripe for harvest
- President’s message: Thoughts about the new hymnal
- President’s message: To judge or not to judge
- President’s message: What kind of leaders?
- President’s message: What’s love got to do with it?
- President’s message: Whose finest hour?
- Proposed changes to improve retirement benefits
- Psalm 103: When you count your blessings
- Psalm 130: When rocks fall
- Psalm 32: When you need forgiveness
- Psalm 4: When you draw nearer to the end
- Psalm 42: When you ask, “Where is God when I’m hurting?”
- Psalm 91: When God lifts you up on his lap
- Psalms for the seasons of life: A preview
- Psalms for the seasons of life: April
- Psalms for the seasons of life: February
- Psalms for the seasons of life: January
- Psalms for the seasons of life: June
- Psalms for the seasons of life: March
- Psalms for the seasons of life: May
- Psalms: Songs of his people
- Public ministry matters
- Purposeful discussions
- Put on the new self(ie)!
- Putting the thanks back in Thanksgiving
- Q&A with Nichole LaGrow
- Q&A with Vicar Zachary Satorius
- Q&A: Am I being judgmental if I point out someone’s sin?
- Q&A: Are there degrees of glory in heaven as a reward for good works?
- Q&A: Are there different interpretations of the Bible?
- Q&A: Are there times when it is okay to lie?
- Q&A: Can a Christian vote for a political candidate who supports abortion?
- Q&A: Can a person come back to faith after falling away?
- Q&A: Can you explain Jesus’ words to the wailing women he met on his way to be crucified?
- Q&A: Do I need to read the Bible to have a relationship with God?
- Q&A: Do Lutherans take the Bible literally and teach millennialism?
- Q&A: Do parts of the Bible teach works righteousness?
- Q&A: Does God help those who help themselves?
- Q&A: Does God really care?
- Q&A: Does God send people to hell?
- Q&A: Does it really matter how God made the world?
- Q&A: Does the doxology belong in the Lord’s Prayer?
- Q&A: Doesn’t God want me to be happy?
- Q&A: How can I be okay with whatever God thinks is best?
- Q&A: How can I better manage what God has given me this year so that I glorify him?
- Q&A: How can I explain how Jesus’ resurrection is possible and if the Bible is reliable?
- Q&A: How can I forgive and forget?
- Q&A: How can I overcome my struggle with lust and pornography?
- Q&A: How can my mother and I forgive my father for being unfaithful and causing my parents to divorce?
- Q&A: How can parents encourage adult children who wander from the faith?
- Q&A: How can we be sure the Bible includes what God originally gave us?
- Q&A: How can we say that the Old Testament God is the same as the New Testament God?
- Q&A: How do I know I am elected by God?
- Q&A: How do I overcome the feeling that my life has no purpose and I don’t make a difference?
- Q&A: How does remembering my baptism help with the guilt I carry?
- Q&A: How is the Bible God’s Word?
- Q&A: How should I help my child struggling with same-sex attraction?
- Q&A: I have no special gifts, and I mess up all the time. Does God really need me?
- Q&A: I know that we are saved by grace apart from works, but how can it be that easy?
- Q&A: If I struggle with trusting that my faith is real, is my faith fake?
- Q&A: If people go to hell, isn’t it their fault because God gave them free will and they rejected him?
- Q&A: Is anger sinful?
- Q&A: Is Christianity the only religion that gives the certainty of heaven?
- Q&A: Is death natural?
- Q&A: Is God fair?
- Q&A: Is it okay to live together if we are planning to get married?
- Q&A: Is it wrong to have a cross with Jesus’ body on it?
- Q&A: Is Jesus the only way to get to heaven?
- Q&A: Is John 6:54 a reference to the Lord’s Supper?
- Q&A: Is our time of grace really unchangeable?
- Q&A: My friend died and was not a professing Christian. What do I say to the family?
- Q&A: Should Christians pray to saints?
- Q&A: Were we “created to make a difference”?
- Q&A: What advice do you have for a new dad?
- Q&A: What advice does the Bible have for single people?
- Q&A: What are ways to glorify God besides singing in church?
- Q&A: What comfort can be given to those who experience miscarriage?
- Q&A: What does it mean to be called into the public ministry?
- Q&A: What if spouses don’t “love” each other anymore?
- Q&A: What is so destructive about gossip?
- Q&A: What would Jesus think about all the different Christian denominations?
- Q&A: When we pray, “Your kingdom come,” what are we praying for?
- Q&A: Where should I send my child to school?
- Q&A: Why are the 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and his ascension important for the disciples and for us?
- Q&A: Why do we pray, “Lead us not into temptation,” if God can’t tempt us?
- Q&A: Why does it seem like Christianity is so negative?
- Q&A: Why is Pontius Pilate immortalized in our creeds?
- Q&A: Why were demon possession, gifts of healing, and gifts of tongues more prevalent in biblical times?
- Question and answer about Equipping Christian Witnesses – Part 1
- Question and answer about Equipping Christian Witnesses – Part 2
- Question and answer: Equipping Christian Witnesses: Part 3
- Quick to listen
- Random acts of kindness spark connections
- Reaching new neighbors
- Reaching the goal
- Reaching your dreams is overrated
- Recovered in Christ
- Refined by fire
- Reflecting diversity: One campus, three languages
- Reflections of a mother
- Reflections on Lutheran leadership
- Remembering a rite
- Remembering the Jordan
- Repent and be baptized
- Repent of deception
- Resolutions of faith
- Resolved in Christ
- Resolving to share joy
- Resources to build up Christians of all ages
- Rest on the Rock
- Returning by the power of God
- Revamped synod convention planned for this summer
- Risen indeed!
- Saving connection
- Savor the rain
- School offers love and support to students with special needs
- Scripture comfort in adversity
- Seize the opportunities
- September 2021
- Serving in love at the Harris County Jail
- Serving neighbors with compassion
- Serving their Lord faithfully
- Serving those who serve
- Serving those who serve their country
- Serving through art
- Set free
- Seven home missions to receive funding
- Sewing class makes a community impact
- Share the gospel
- Sharing the gospel with Mormons in Arizona
- Sharing the same faith
- Shifting congregational culture
- Showing and sharing the story of Christmas
- Showing Christian love
- Showing love to children with special needs
- Showing Mormons that Jesus is enough
- Showing you care through parish nursing
- Silent no longer
- Small church creates big labor of love
- So great! So far!
- Sound the alarm
- South Central
- Southeastern Wisconsin
- Special offer: April issue free
- Spiritually supporting those in the military
- Spreading special ministries to Ethiopia
- Spur one another on
- Starting a church during a pandemic
- Statistical analysis digs into current called worker shortage
- Statistical report shows “post-COVID sorting” in WELS
- Staying close to God’s Word in the military
- Step forward in faith!
- Step in the gap
- Stepping into special education
- Still joyful
- Stop being a baby about Jesus’ ascension!
- Stories of Christian love
- Strength to the weary
- Strengthening ministry teams
- Struggle to forgive
- Students gain hands-on experiences in home missions—and more
- Students put their faith into action
- Success or failure?
- Sunk without a trace
- Sunset invitation
- Sunshine and rain
- Supporting Christian education
- Supporting future called workers
- Supporting future called workers
- Supporting others with prayer
- Supporting the family of believers
- Sympathy +
- Synod convention shorts
- Take up your cross
- Teen talk: Count your blessings
- Teen talk: Do you believe this?
- Teen talk: Facing persecution
- Teen talk: From falling to soaring
- Teen talk: Jesus is in our hearts
- Teen talk: Jesus is our home
- Teen talk: Jump!
- Teen talk: My life as a child of divorce
- Teen talk: Proof doesn’t change anything
- Teen talk: Strength in sorrow
- Teen talk: Thankfulness
- Teen talk: Tune in
- Teen talk: Walking on a tightrope
- Teen talk: We pray
- Teen talk: Why all this trouble?
- Teen talk: You are not alone
- Teens gather at area WELS Youth Nights
- Telling the world about Jesus
- Texas couple welcomes home missionary
- Thank God for conflict
- Thank God for your shower
- Thankful saints
- Thanks for not giving
- Thanks, Dad!
- The Avengers and two lions
- The Bible still matters: Part 1
- The Bible still matters: Part 2
- The Bible still matters: Part 3
- The Bible still matters: Part 4
- The biggest guy in the room
- The blessing of elder care ministry
- The book of James: A blueprint for living out our life of faith
- The book of James: Active in giving thanks
- The book of James: Active in good works
- The book of James: Active in showing love
- The book of James: Active in using prayer
- The book of James: Avoiding loveless judging
- The book of James: Correctly evaluating riches
- The book of James: Taming the tongue
- The book of James: Using the Word of Truth
- The book of James: Waiting for Christ’s return
- The book of James: When battling temptation
- The book of James: When facing trials
- The Book of Revelation: Part 10
- The Book of Revelation: Part 11
- The Book of Revelation: Part 12
- The Book of Revelation: Part 2
- The Book of Revelation: Part 3
- The Book of Revelation: Part 4
- The Book of Revelation: Part 5
- The Book of Revelation: Part 6
- The Book of Revelation: Part 7
- The Book of Revelation: Part 8
- The Book of Revelation: Part 9
- The cameras are rolling
- The church sees color
- The communion of saints
- The dark day we call good
- The death of death
- The divine family
- The Father to the fatherless
- The forever end of all wars
- The future is now
- The future of abortion
- The gift of rest
- The gospel in song
- The harvest is on!
- The heart of church planting
- The heavenly gardener
- The importance of followers
- The Israel of God
- The joy of the gospel
- The Judas priority
- The kingdom of heaven: God in action
- The last hour
- The last judgment
- The lectionary: A path for public worship
- The liturgy: Patterns of praise
- The Lord calls: Article 1
- The Lord calls: Article 2
- The Lord calls: Article 3
- The Lord calls: Article 4
- The Lord takes care of his church
- The Lord, our shield
- The Lord’s patient love
- The Lord’s triple gift
- The love of a Lamb
- The love of Christ compels us
- The manger is where the magic is
- The mission of WELS schools
- The most loving friendship
- The National Conference on Worship, Music, & the Arts—in pictures
- The need for a bold confession
- The old has gone, the new is here!
- The path of Academia Cristo
- The path to Easter
- The perfect wedding to come
- The power of God’s Word
- The public ministry and the divine call
- The second Martin
- The secret of being content
- The Seven Words
- The shiny penny
- The shroud
- The story of us
- The umbrella of God’s wisdom
- The upper room
- The view from above
- The visible church
- The world’s leading philanthropist is our friend
- Thirty years of helping kids stay connected to Jesus
- This is the body of Christ
- Three home missions launch weekly worship
- Tidy up!
- Time to get to work
- To die is gain
- To the other ten
- Today you will be with me in paradise.
- Too many words
- Tragedy strikes world missionary and his family
- Train up a dad
- Trained for war
- Training the next generation of leaders
- Traveling through temptations
- Trophies of grace
- Trust in the Lord
- Turning pages
- Two new directors start at the WELS Center for Mission and Ministry
- Understanding cultural diversity
- United by a shared commonality
- Unprecedented
- Up close and personal
- Update on WELS’ effort in Vietnam
- Upholding biblical values
- Using images to tell God’s story
- Victorious
- Victory in Christ
- Waging the war for godly sexuality
- Waiting: Never easy but always a blessing
- Walk by the Spirit: Part 1
- Walk by the Spirit: Part 2
- Walk by the Spirit: Part 3
- Walk by the Spirit: Part 4
- Walk by the Spirit: Part 5
- Walk by the Spirit: Part 6
- Walk by the Spirit: Part 7
- Water the seed: Ministry in the public school
- We believe, therefore we listen
- We have faith
- We have hope
- We have love
- We know the results
- We look for the resurrection of the dead
- Webinars help Women’s Ministry fulfill its purpose
- Website helps introduce hymnal
- Wedded widows and widowers
- Welcome Home: Part 1
- Welcome Home: Part 2
- Welcome Home: Part 3
- Well pleased
- WELS 2022 district conventions
- WELS 2024 district conventions
- WELS Christian Aid and Relief responds to Hurricane Ian
- WELS Connections: 2020 report highlights God’s blessings
- WELS EdTechLead conference to be held in 2019
- WELS high schools experiencing record enrollment
- WELS Home Missions approves new missions
- WELS members support Christmas outreach program – C18
- WELS Mission Journeys: Short-term mission trips that inspire a lifelong journey of service and outreach
- WELS news briefs: April 2022
- WELS news briefs: August 2021
- WELS news briefs: February 2020
- WELS news briefs: February 2023
- WELS news briefs: February 2024
- WELS news briefs: January 2021
- WELS news briefs: January 2024
- WELS news briefs: June 2021
- WELS news briefs: June 2022
- WELS news briefs: June 2023
- WELS news briefs: May 2021
- WELS news briefs: October 2023
- WELS news briefs: September 2024
- WELS podcasts: 2 steps forward with James and Ade
- WELS podcasts: Casting Nets
- WELS podcasts: Christ for Disciplers
- WELS podcasts: Dust and Breath
- WELS podcasts: Faith Footnotes
- WELS podcasts: Hearts & Hands Podcast
- WELS podcasts: Impact
- WELS podcasts: Let the Bird Fly!
- WELS podcasts: Life Challenges
- WELS podcasts: Little Things
- WELS podcasts: Reflections on Our Unique Callings: Men, Women, and the Body of Christ
- WELS podcasts: Small Talk
- WELS podcasts: The Lutheran History Podcast
- WELS podcasts: The Notable Podcast
- WELS podcasts: The Well Mind Podcast
- WELS seniors celebrate past blessings and reimagine future
- WELS statistical report: Part of wise stewardship
- WELS World Missions updates
- What a view!
- What does this mean for me? Article 1
- What does this mean for me? Article 2
- What does this mean for me? Article 3
- What does this mean for me? Article 4
- What does this mean for me? Article 5
- What does this mean for me? Article 6
- What I learned by answering questions
- What if it’s true . . . that God made mankind in his image
- What if it’s true . . . that God wants your broken heart
- What if it’s true . . . that you are a child of God
- What if it’s true . . . that you are a sinner
- What if it’s true . . . that you are forgiven
- What if it’s true . . . that you are free
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Baptism
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Faith alone
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Faith-produced good works
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: God’s different work in two kingdoms
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Grace alone
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Living a life of repentance
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Lord’s Supper
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Original sin
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Public ministers of the gospel are called to serve
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Scripture alone
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: The church is believers in Jesus
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: The distinction between law and gospel
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: The means of grace
- What it means to be truly Lutheran: Vocation: Serving God and others
- What makes Christmas Christmas?
- What to know before you go
- When politics drives you crazy: Part 1
- When politics drives you crazy: Part 2
- When politics drives you crazy: Part 3
- When politics drives you crazy: Part 4
- When tragedy strikes a community
- Where are they now? ALHS Online
- Where are they now? Carlotta Stanley
- Where are they now? Divine Savior Ministries
- Where are they now? Grace, Tucson, Ariz.
- Where are they now? Kingdom Prep Lutheran High School
- Where are they now? Living Promise, Morristown, Tenn.
- Where are they now? Lucho and Camilo Herrera
- Where are they now? Luke and Jennifer Wolfgramm
- Where is God?
- Who I am in Christ
- Who will roll the stone away?
- Why?
- Will pray for food
- Wisely using WELS statistics
- With clear eyes
- With you always
- Woman, here is your son.
- Women’s ministry conference – being living stones
- Word became flesh
- Workers working together
- Working together to praise the Creator
- Working together to praise the Creator
- World news and commentary: August 2024
- World news and commentary: February 2024
- World news and commentary: May 2024
- World news and commentary: November 2024
- Worship resource previews new hymns
- Worth our very lives
- Wrapped in God’s comfort
- Yoked with Jesus
- You are forgiven
- You are good to go
- You can own a red car
- You may need to break to shine
- You’ve got a friend
- Your greatest joy
- Youth in service