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2023 synod convention photos
Learn more about WELS’ 67th biennial convention held July 31-Aug. 3 at Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, Mich., under the theme “Embrace the Cross—Anticipate the Crown.”
James Huebner (left), first vice president of WELS, reminded convention delegates, “It’s all about Jesus, and that’s a message to celebrate and communicate,” in his sermon at the opening worship service on July 31 at St. Paul, Saginaw, Mich. WELS President Mark Schroeder served as presiding minister.
Phil Hirsch, president of the Nebraska District, presented an essay on the convention theme, “Embrace the Cross—Anticipate the Crown.”
David Koelpin, pastor at Foundation, Folsom, Calif., was chairman of the Home Missions floor committee, which noted its “support of the 100 missions in 10 years initiative adopted at the last convention in pursuit of the Great Commission. We do so with the observation that almost 800 of our roughly 1,250 congregations are in just three states: Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan. While there is still much mission work to carry out in these places, we are not nearly so well positioned to proclaim the gospel in other areas of the country with significant and growing populations. This initiative gives us the opportunity to establish more footholds of gospel proclamation where the harvest is increasingly plentiful.” Koelpin also presented on the ministry of his home mission congregation that worships “without walls” at a community park each Sunday.
Makisimu Musa, president of the Obadiah Lutheran Synod of Uganda, addressed convention delegates long distance as fellowship was officially declared between his church body and WELS.
Convention delegates heard presentations from WELS’ areas of ministry that helped them as they considered the resolutions that floor committees asked them to act upon.
(From left) Joel Zank, president of the Northern Wisconsin District, served as preacher at the closing worship service, and Mark Luetzow, president of Michigan Lutheran Seminary, served as presiding minister. The service was held in the chapel at Michigan Lutheran Seminary.
Michigan Lutheran Seminary faculty and staff members helped oversee the live-streaming of the convention. Visit to watch the convention proceedings as well as the opening and closing worship services.
When asked about their convention experience, many delegates noted this moment at the end of the service when the cross passed them and they turned as one body, singing the hymn “Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending” (Christian Worship 487).