Clothed with Christ
“Then one of the elders asked me, ‘These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?’ I answered, ‘Sir, you know.’ And he said, ‘These are they…
“Then one of the elders asked me, ‘These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?’ I answered, ‘Sir, you know.’ And he said, ‘These are they…
“Continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures,…
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and…
“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). Have you ever been at a loss for words? Maybe it was when…
“He passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving…
“The one who was seated on the throne said to me, ‘Look, I am making everything new!’ ” (Revelation 21:5). What do you see? The crumbling ruins of an aging…
“Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed” (Genesis 2:8). Follow me to an overgrown garden.…
“On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever” (Isaiah 25:7,8). Are you longing for…
“I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing” (Romans 7:19). It's disappointing. It’s frustrating. We’ve…