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New president at Martin Luther College

Richard Gurgel has accepted the call to serve as president of WELS’ college of ministry, Martin Luther College (MLC), New Ulm, Minn. He will begin his new call on July 1.

Gurgel brings years of parish and teaching experience to his new ministry. Since 1999, he has served as a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., teaching homiletics, systematics, and Christian education. He also directs the continuing education arm of the seminary, the Grow in Grace Institute.

Gurgel will replace retiring president Mark Zarling, who has served as MLC president since 2007. “May God give me a double portion of the servant-hearted, gospel-filled spirit with which President Zarling has so faithfully served,” says Gurgel. “God has used and continues to use what happens on MLC’s campus to prepare one generation after another of Christian witnesses to proclaim the gospel of his kingdom in classrooms and congregations and communities around the world. Truly a city set on a hill cannot be hidden!”

Zarling is grateful that such a faithful shepherd will soon assume the leadership mantle. “Prof. Gurgel is a shepherd gifted with many abilities and with a heart that beats with the gospel of Jesus Christ,” he says. “I am thrilled that he has accepted and am confident that Jesus will use him mightily for the good of this important ministry.”

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Volume 107, Number 01
Issue: January 2020
