My School” is a special new segment of the monthly video news magazine Kids Connection. Each month, Kids Connection will visit a school or church to share a story of that organization’s unique ministry efforts in God’s kingdom.
“The idea originated with people saying, ‘We would love to have Kids Connection come to our school,’ ” explains Steve Boettcher, producer of Kids Connection. “We thought if we create an easy way for people to reach out to us with an e-mail and an idea, we could make it happen.”
The first “My School” segment appears in this month’s episode and features Zion Lutheran School, Columbus, Wis. Students and staff at Zion raised money for a local Make-A-Wish Foundation child named Lucas, who suffers from leukemia. Collecting donations and hosting raffles, the school raised more than $1,800 to send Lucas on a vacation to Florida. The amount was revealed at a pep rally at the school. The Lakeside Lutheran High School marching band played, and the crowd dressed in blue, Lucas’ favorite color.
“We wanted to let our light shine and show that we believe in God and be kind to others,” said Grace, a sixth grader at Zion.
This story shows the focus of “My School”: to celebrate the special ways WELS churches and schools and their young people share God’s love and mercy.
Though submissions have only recently begun, Kids Connection has already been blessed with several uplifting stories that will be featured in upcoming videos:
- A school in Green Bay, Wis., works on a unique community project each year.
- A school in Citrus Heights, Calif.,organizes a local basketball league.
- A school in Tomah, Wis., provides therapy animals to serve in their area.
Kids Connection is a ministry of WELS Discipleship.
Would you like Kids Connection to visit your school or church and feature your story in an upcoming episode? Send an e-mail invite to [email protected]. To learn more about subscribing to Kids Connection for your church or school, visit wels.staging.wpengine.com/kidsconnection.
Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.staging.wpengine.com? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.
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Volume 106, Number 4
Issue: April 2019