Forward in Christ (FIC) is offering its readers two new sets of daily Bible readings for 2022.
In February, readers can enjoy selections from the book of Galatians in a study entitled, “Every day with Galatians.”
Luther writes the following regarding Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia:
Without any merit or work on our own, we must first be justified by Christian righteousness . . . but this righteousness is heavenly and passive. We do not have it of ourselves; we receive it from heaven. We do not perform it; we accept it by faith. . . . In this epistle therefore, Paul is concerned to instruct, comfort, and sustain us diligently in a perfect knowledge of this most excellent and Christian righteousness. (Luther’s Works, Vol. 26:8,9)
The readings are short but powerful—a fuel for our day-to-day lives. “It is a comfort to know that I am justified by what Jesus did for me. It’s important to renew that truth because there are still so many distortions that lead us to think that we can earn God’s love,” says John Braun, FIC’s executive editor. “Because he has given me this gift I find courage to live as God wants me to live. His grace changes me so that I can live as a child of God. That’s important every day.”
Additionally, short excerpts from Martin Luther’s 1535 lectures on Galatians will be available at forwardinchrist.net/galatians-bible-readings.
Then, starting on Ash Wednesday (March 2), FIC will include the same daily lectionary readings that can be found in the new Christian Worship. This plan will continue through March 2023.
Volume 109, Number 02
Issue: February 2022