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Meet the editorial staff: Snowden Sims

Meet the editorial staff

Ever ask yourself, “Who are these people who write for Forward in Christ?” Through this series, you can find out.

This month, Forward in Christ welcomes Snowden (Gene) Sims to the staff as the newest editorialist. Sims is excited to share his unique perspective with Forward in Christ’s readers: “I’m honored to have the opportunity to share some of my thoughts with a larger audience.”

He says he also looks forward to discovering his own unique writing style throughout the process. For Sims, this is a chance to draw from his own experiences and make each article relatable for people. “My goal is for someone to read my editorials and know they’re not the only one who has gone through this experience before,” he remarks. “I want to make my writing real and personable.”

As for Sims’ own experiences—he was born in Lima, Ohio, and moved with his mother and older brother to Milwaukee when he was six. When he was a student at Wisconsin Lutheran High School, Milwaukee, two teachers encouraged him to consider becoming a pastor. He eventually went on to graduate from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., in 1989.

From professor and dean to tutor and pastor, Sims has held a number of different roles in the synod. Today, he serves as one of the pastors at St. Paul, Columbus, Ohio. He also was elected to serve as the district president of the Michigan District in 2018.

Sims enjoys reading other editorials and diving into the Bible studies in Forward in Christ. He also scans through the District News and anniversaries to “see on display the blessings our synod has been given.” He says that we can celebrate with our fellow brothers and sisters during these exciting periods of growth and transition.

As to why people should pick up their own copy of Forward in Christ? Sims says people should read Forward in Christ because it’s based on Scripture, informative, and educational.

“The challenges we face in life should always lead us back to the Scriptures,” he says. “Forward in Christ meets people where they are and pulls them back to Christ.”

Author: Gabriella Blauert
Volume 107, Number 02
Issue: February 2020

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series meet the editorial staff


This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series meet the editorial staff