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District news: November 2021

North Atlantic
Beautiful Savior, Fayetteville, N.C., dedicated its new worship facility on Aug. 29.

Happy anniversary!

MN—On Sept. 19, Christ, Zumbrota, Minn., celebrated its 125th anniversary.

Zion, Hutchinson, Wis., celebrated its 126th anniversary on Sept. 19 because it needed to delay its original 125th anniversary celebration due to the pandemic.

St. John, Hastings, Minn., celebrated its 150th anniversary on Oct. 3.

SEW—On Sept. 9, the Milwaukee County Historical Society honored St. John (Forest Home) Milwaukee, Wis., for its 175th anniversary.

On Oct. 9, Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) celebrated its 60th anniversary at Grace, Milwaukee, Wis.



South Atlantic
In September, seniors at Divine Savior, West Palm Beach, Fla., made cards that will be distributed with care packages to area veterans.






Western Wisconsin
Twenty-seven young people from St. Andrew, Middleton, Wis., participated in service and mission projects this summer. Pictured is Sabastian Murray, a member of the Mission Madison Team that volunteered at a local school, retirement center, and farm. Two college students served at Illumine, Seattle, Wash., and a team of seven teens volunteered at Citrus Grove, Wesley Chapel, Fla.






North Atlantic
On Sept. 18, Sure Foundation, Woodside, N.Y., held an Art in the Park event for children in its neighborhood. Children worked on crafts, played games, and heard stories of Jesus.





South Atlantic
On Sept. 15, middle school students from King of Kings, Maitland, Fla., volunteered at The Sharing Center, a non-profit organization working to prevent hunger and homelessness.






The district reporters for this month are: MN—James Panning; NA—Ian Headrick; SA—Jonathan Kuske; SEW—Matthew Schaewe; WW—Brett Brauer.

Volume 108, Number 11
Issue: November 2021


