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Community news: February 2025
Every year at the last chapel service before Christmas, Luther Preparatory School, Watertown, Wis., recognizes those who have anniversaries for service at the school. In December 2024, these faculty and staff members were honored—Bonnie Kuerth, 35 years; Randy Bode, 30 years; Randy Mensching, 30 years; Anita Schulz Hahm, 30 years; Sue Boulden, 20 years; Marty Pagel, 15 years; and Lisa Mensching, 10 years.
Sunday school students at Lamb of God, Phoenix (Ahwatukee), Ariz., helped pack care packages for several people serving in the military. Items were collected during the month of November, and five full boxes of treats were sent to the West Coast, Europe, Guam, and the Pacific.
On Nov. 15, 2024, the Mission for the Visually Impaired, a ministry of WELS Special Ministries, recognized Cathie Humann for her 37 years of service as a volunteer.
WELS members from all over Wisconsin volunteer to clean the furlough houses used by WELS world missionaries and their families when they have extended leave from their fields.
In December 2024, the teen group at Beautiful Savior, Marietta, Ga., participated in Wreaths Across America at Marietta National Cemetery. The teens considered it an incredible opportunity to honor and remember those who have served our country by placing wreaths on the graves of veterans.
Laudate Dominum–Lutheran Voices of Wisconsin, a new WELS choral group, held its first concert on Nov. 24, 2024, at St. Matthew, Oconomowoc, Wis.