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As we come and go

I am overflowing with excitement. As I write these words, we are making our final preparations to celebrate our first public worship services as a church in over two months. The state of Texas where I live is one of the first to begin reopening businesses and churches after weeks of extreme social distancing.

People are slowly beginning to come and go. I can only imagine that by the time you read these words, most of the country will be coming and going a bit more freely. People are going back to work. Our children will soon be going back to school. You can finally get a haircut.

The truth is, however, that COVID-19 has not suddenly disappeared.

People are still getting sick. The virus is still spreading. The death toll continues to rise.

Not a few people are concerned about everybody coming and going again, which got me thinking about a verse from Psalms. King David wrote, “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121:8).

As Christians, we can come and go with confidence. The all-powerful Lord of the universe promises to be by our side every step of the way. He promises to protect and to provide. He promises to watch over us every moment of every day.

The all-powerful Lord of the universe promises to be by our side every step of the way.

Now, that doesn’t mean we won’t get sick or suffer pains or problems. God promises to protect us from everything that can truly harm us. Sometimes what is best for us is to go through times of trials. Through them, God helps us grow and bring us closer to him.

But in the end, not even death can truly harm us. Because Jesus lived, died, and rose again as our Savior, our final going will be to heaven. God truly will watch over our coming and going both now and forevermore.

Please understand, however, that one of the ways in which God watches over us is by giving us common sense and wisdom. God gives us doctors and scientists to teach us and guide us. He places the government over us to protect us. Part of the way God watches over us is by giving us the means to protect ourselves.

For example, even though we trust that God is watching over us, we still wear our seat belts in the car. We still take the medications our doctors prescribe. We still lock our doors at night. Oftentimes it is through such things that God protects us and provides for us.

For that reason, as we begin to gather again at our churches, we should take the proper precautions. We should listen to the doctors and governing authorities. We should continue to socially distance ourselves, wash our hands, and wear masks as long as the experts recommend it. Through such precautions, God is protecting us and others.

But as you come and go over the next few days, weeks, and months, do so without fear. The all-powerful King of creation is watching over you every step of the way. He will make everything in your life work out for your good. Then, one day, as you go from this life, he will take you by the hand and lead you to the home Jesus won for you. Nothing can truly harm you.

You can come and go with confidence.

Author: Andrew Schroer
Volume 107, Number 07
Issue: July 2020
