Parent conversations: How can parents reinforce the importance of confirmation in their child’s life?

Confirmation is a rite of passage for many confessional Lutheran young people. Yet as important as their confirmation day is, most would agree that it’s the years leading up to…

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Parent conversations: What are the building blocks of a strong parent/child relationship?

Parenting can feel overwhelming as we navigate through the trenches, and the number of “experts” who volunteer to help us has exploded with the advent of social media and the…

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Parent conversations: How can I explain the Sixth Commandment to a young child?

Recently my six-year-old came home from his Lutheran elementary school, and I overheard him ask his older siblings, “What is ‘adultery’?” Apparently his class was memorizing the Sixth Commandment, and…

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This entry is part 38 of 77 in the series parent conversations