God is still building his church
The apostle Paul had been called by God to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in many places and to many people. He watched as God caused the seed of…
The Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) has had a presence in Africa for more than 60 years—bringing health care and the gospel to the people of Zambia and Malawi. Altogether,…
Evangelism can start with a simple, human question that leads to opportunities to share the hope you have in Jesus. Human evangelism. The point is not evangelizing humans but how…
Ninety-four confessional Lutherans from 27 countries attended the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC) convention in Seoul, South Korea, from June 6–8. The CELC is an international fellowship of 34 confessional…
In October 2022, WELS President Mark Schroeder visited two of WELS’ sister synods in Africa—the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ–Kenya and the Lutheran Church of Ethiopia. Larry Schlomer, administrator…