A true family
At its 67th biennial synod convention, WELS expanded its family of believers by declaring fellowship with Obadiah Lutheran Synod of Uganda. It also affirmed fellowship with Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional,…
At its 67th biennial synod convention, WELS expanded its family of believers by declaring fellowship with Obadiah Lutheran Synod of Uganda. It also affirmed fellowship with Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional,…
In December 2020, Forward in Christ printed a story about brothers Luis “Lucho” and Camilo Herrera. After taking Bible information class at Divine Savior, Doral, Fla., Lucho was introduced to…
These National Conference on Lutheran Leadership presenters offer a perspective of what Lutheran leadership means to them, helping each of us reflect on how we can carry out these principles…
WELS Missions WELS Europe Team, part of WELS World Missions, is working with the Igreja Luterana de Portugal (ILP), WELS’ sister synod in Portugal, to reach the world’s largest Portuguese-speaking…