Author: James F. Pope

  • Author James Pope

    James Pope brings a variety of experiences to his ministry at Forward in Christ, including serving parishes in Wisconsin and Florida; teaching history, theology, and staff ministry courses at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn.; serving as the “Light for our path” columnist for FIC from 2014–2019; and answering theological questions submitted to the WELS website from 2014–2021.

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red car parked next to black cars

You can own a red car

It was definitely the most unusual church parking lot I had ever seen. While driving past it at highway speed, it looked like all the drivers of the 50-plus car...
woman holding a crocheted heart up close

Another manger

One of the destinations in “From heaven to your heart” is a manger. Over the years, hymn writers and artists have portrayed Jesus’ manger in Bethlehem as ...
Young boy watching model train go around christmas tree and nativity under tree

From heaven to your heart

When Jesus carried out his work as the promised Savior, he took a journey that ended in your heart through faith in him. “Next stop, Junction City!” the con...
hands holding plants

God’s people grow

Continuing education offers opportunities for called workers—and the people they serve—to grow. “Faithful gospel ministers always seek to hone their skill...
light in darkness

Dark days in life

People of my generation will tell you they can pinpoint where they were on Nov. 22, 1963, when they heard the shocking news that President John F. Kennedy had b...

Billboard theology

Along with my wife, Cathy, I was embarking on a 1,500-mile road trip. What to do for hours and hours? How about looking at billboards along the interstate and e...
hands together in circle

Workers working together

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” Helen Keller’s observation of life in general certainly rings true when it comes to congregatio...
people praying before eating

Will pray for food

A man stands at the end of an interstate off-ramp holding a cardboard sign. “Will work for food,” it pleads. It is a simple offer, but many people ignore it...
Confirmation class in front of church being talked to by the pastor

Examined and confirmed

If you were confirmed as a youth, what stands out about that day? Excitement? Nervousness? Relief? What about Examination Sunday? More nervousness? Suspense? Wh...
gardening tools pruner gloves

The heavenly gardener

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colo. Sunken Gardens, St. Petersburg, Fla. Queen Mary’s Gardens, London, England. Villa d’Este Gardens, Tivoli, Italy....
Jesus weeping

Jesus wept

It is known as the shortest verse in the Bible: “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). Actually, in many Bible translations, two other verses are just as short, contain...
woman sitting under tree thankful UpSplash

Thankful saints

November can be a cruel month. For people who live in the northern climes of our country, November is the bridge from the colorful landscape of fall to the cold...
father holding baby being baptised with shell

Remembering a rite

Imagine a Lutheran pastor beginning a baptism service by blowing three times under the child’s eyes and then commanding the unclean spirit in the child to dep...

Sympathy +

“I’m so sorry.” “I’m sorry for your loss.” “You have my sympathy.” I’m sure you recognize those statements, and you can probably picture a ver...
green and brown fields and storm clouds sky

Appreciating the clouds

A cloudy day or a sunny day? What would you rather have? I think most people would choose a sunny day. If that is you, I am hoping that by the end of this colum...