“My life”: Part 1
Jesus laid down his life so that life comes to us. “Mine!” cries the two-year-old to his one-year-old sister who has unknowingly laid hands on a favorite toy. “It’s my…
Jesus laid down his life so that life comes to us. “Mine!” cries the two-year-old to his one-year-old sister who has unknowingly laid hands on a favorite toy. “It’s my…
“You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish” (John 11:49,50). “It is better for you…
Nothing else we experience can compare to the grace of God the Father. Hey, Dad. You know that convenience store that makes those incredible milkshakes? The other evening my car’s…
The trial had finally ended. As I prepared to leave the parking garage after the sentencing, one of the jurors stopped me. “Were you with the man who was on…
Christians are free by the grace of God so they can love others. IT'S GREAT TO BE FREE! I’m not just talking about the freedoms we have here in the…
Confessing your faith, even at difficult times, plants the seed of the gospel. A local high school senior asked if I would come to her interfaith club’s evening event to…
Journeying with Jesus to the cross is not a pretty sight. It’s uncomfortable. It’s necessary. It’s heartbreaking. It’s beautiful. As a school-aged girl, I attended a passion play with family…
Jesus’ actions during Holy Week provide an example of how we can honor him through the sacrifices we make to honor our government. “Not my president.” “Not my governor.” “Not…
Jesus decided to continue on his journey to the cross for us. A moment of decision. As Jesus’ disciples argued about who was the greatest, would the Savior of the…