How do you measure success?
How do you measure success? In business, success is measured by increased sales and rising profits. In sports, success is measured by games won and championships achieved. In war, success…
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How do you measure success? In business, success is measured by increased sales and rising profits. In sports, success is measured by games won and championships achieved. In war, success…
A long time ago, when I was in college, two friends and I decided that we wanted to spend a few weeks hiking in the mountains. We drove across the…
In 1993, after years of scriptural study, our synod in convention adopted the doctrinal statement “Scriptural Principles of Man and Woman Roles.” Like all faithful doctrinal statements, it is an…
By the time you read this, people in the United States already are going to the polls for early voting. Election Day itself is Tuesday, Nov. 5. By Wednesday, Nov.…
No matter how much of a social animal you are, no matter how much you love to spend time with friends and family, everyone needs some alone time once in…
When I was a senior in high school, I found myself in a difficult dilemma. I was the youngest of eight children. By the time I was ready to graduate…
“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD” (Psalm 27:14). Sometimes our waiting comes to an end when the Lord answers our prayer with…
The 2023 synod convention adopted an ambitious plan with the stated goal of opening one hundred new home missions in the next ten years. That effort began last year when…
This June, two men who have served faithfully as district presidents will conclude their time in that office. Jon Buchholz, president of the Arizona-California District, has decided not to stand…